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Hello my name is Mitchell Grassi But you can just call me Mitch. So I live happily with my Alpha and his pack however it wasn't always this way.

A Bunch of Years earlier
"KIRSTIE! Look at that cute little store over there."
"Ooh I see a shirt I like in window."
"Let's go."
Hi my name is Mitch and my best friend Kirstie and I are going clothes shopping because tomorrow is the big day. It's the day that all the packless Omegas go to the counsel and all the packs looking for an Omega go too. Most of the time Omegas get adopted however I went last year and didn't. But I have a good feeling about this one. We walked into the little store called Empiditas it was very pink. I loved it. Me and Kirstie spent and hour in there trying on all different clothes then we decided and payed. When we were leaving I got really hungry and asked Kirstie if she was too. She was. We went to the food court and ordered McDonalds we decided on sharing the the 10 piece chicken nugget since it was cheaper than two Omega meals.
After we ate I needed to use the bathroom and so me and Kirstie went. Usually when there are bathrooms in crowded places like this they are separated by rank so me and Kirstie do t have to delegate but this time they were by gender.
"Mitchie it's by gender are you sure you can't hold it."
"I'm sure I really have to go. I'll be ok you can just wait right here then I'll come out and we can leave."
"What if you don't come out things have happened before and your lucky u was there to save you both times."
"Kirst, I'll be fine. If I'm not out in 5 minutes open the door and yell my name but I promise I'll be ok."
"Alright fine but hurry up I'll be right here."
I walked into the bathroom and found 3 out of 4 stalls locked so I went into the open one. I did my business and went to go wash my hands but as soon I opened the stall I was greeted by a pair of deep red eyes.
"Hello Alpha I'll just be on my way."
I tried to duck under his arm because both were out and connected to both sides of the stall.
"What a pretty thing like you doing all alone in here."
"Using the bathroom now excuse me I'll just wash my hands and be on my way."
I again tried darting last him with success this time only to be grabbed by another red eyed alpha.
He pinned my arms to the wall above my head. While the other one started to undo my belt. I was not making it easy I kept moving and squirming as much as I could. Then I remembered Kirstie was right outside. I started screaming as loud as I could for her. Then my attempt was stopped when the third alpha took off his shirt and shoved it in my mouth at the same time that that happened the 1st alpha had my pants down and the one that had been pinning my arms dropped me and bent me over. Then he raped me. I was screaming as much as I could through the shirt in my mouth but every time I screamed one of them slapped my back hard. Then Kirstie opened the door and saw them. She panicked and went to run out for help but was grabbed by one of the alphas. The one that was raping me stopped and held me above the ground by my arms while the other did it to Kirstie who now also has a shirt on her mouth and was In a panic. Then the final alpha who was not holding either of us stepped in between us and tiled both of our heads. We looked at each other with a helpless look we both knew what was about to happen. The two alphas that had us pinned evily smiled and we watched there fangs come out then they each walked up to our necks and bit us on the spot both of eyes immediately went blue uncontrollably we both were now marked. The alphas dropped us and laughed. Then they started to leave knowing that after an omega is marked they momentarily become weak and unable to walk however because of the mark we now had to follow them we were connected. Both of were crying as we got up and walked behind them. The thoughts of my alpha were evil all he was thinking about was an omega named Steve and how his mark was probably killing him. He thought it was funny. It made me think that we going somewhere bad and that he would eventually do this again to another omega making my mark kill me. Also when I say kill me it doesn't actually kill you but it hurts really bad. When we got out the mall the alphas locked us up and buckled us into a van and drove us to a large house we went inside and got brought to the basment. When we got down there was a room to the right there were all sorts of whips and sex toys as well as all sorts of equipment to tie people to in all different positions. Then as we kept walking there was cell after cell after cell all with up to 3 omegas in them and they were very small probably not big enogh for even one omega to live happily in. As we got further down the cells the omega started to look less healthy some were laying in the floor bruised some looked starved. Then we got to one cell where there were two omegas shaking holding there mark spots they were very bruised and looked to skinny they were in a lot of pain we were thrown into the cell across from them and then they locked it and left us there.

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