Glanceѕ (parт 2)

Start from the beginning

Tightening myself around the hug, I released a tired sigh of relief after seeing Rochell so happy, adjusting my mood to match her energy. I owed a day to myself to spend it with Rochell since we hardly see each other during school hours. We attended different schools and that got in the way of the number of hours we had to ourselves.

I swung my arms around Rochell's neck, pulling her closer for a giant bear hug. She was much more taller than me. Letting go from the hug and the warmth going away slowly, I pouted but it disappeared when Rochell held up a bag.

"I brought you food!"

Once I saw the paper McDonald's bag and realized that it was actually for me, my legs kicked into overdrive, having the adrenaline to do 3 cartwheels on the bleachers. I squealed and grabbed the bag, kissing Rochell in the process. I hurriedly opened it and inhaled deeply. The smell of hamburgers and fries made my mouth water. I smiled at my girlfriend, giving another peck to her lips.

"This is why I love you!" I looked up and smirked. "And also because you're sexy."

"Hey! Where's our food, Santiago?" Kaye twirled around, her hands on her hips whilst shooting Rochell a playful grin.

We all laughed, but I saw Niña frown and told Kaye to mind her own business. Well, that was a bit rude of her. It was only a joke. Niña has been acting a bit weird lately.

I shrugged it off. Rochell's smile grew wider as she saw me in a happy state. She watched me take a break from practice, but I paused and snapped around.

"Continue your squats!" I ordered to the other cheerleaders.

I walked over to the bench, hands locked with Rochell's and the food in my other hand upwards to the bleachers. We sat down while we conversed in small talk. It still wasn't enough, but we could cope with it.

"I've really missed you lately," I started first, holding the untouched bag in my hands while still holding on to Rochell's hand.

"Me, too. But, look, as much as I want to grab your ass while you squat, you have to eat first," Rochell replied, wiggling her eyebrows in a funny matter.

I giggled while opening the bag, elbowing Rochell softly. I grabbed the cheese burger out and ate it wholeheartedly, savoring every taste. Never had food tasted this good before. When was the last time I ate? Probably a week or two weeks ago. I was dropping pounds fast. But, no one knew I've been trying to starve myself. I thought I was already fat.

It was time for the other cheerleaders to take a break, drinking cold water and talking. Some of them were checking up on their football boyfriends on the field. Kaye walked up to me and nudged me in the side.

"Oww!" Kaye got one of my ribs, knowingly that she took Taekwando during Freshmen year.

"The guy is here," Kaye whispered lowly.

"What guy?"

"You know; chestnut colored hair. Eyes in the color of chocolates."

"Okay, Kaye you're being extremely cheesy when describing this specific "guy" that I have no idea who you're talking about."

Kaye got the idea that I wasn't understanding and groaned. Pulling me up and making me drop the half eaten burger, I lazily followed Kaye to a farther point from our spot and stopped. Kaye furrowed her eyebrows and whispered, "Brandon is here."

"Brandon? Who's Brandon?"

"Ugh! God damn it, Dee! He's over there at the bleachers from across the field," Kaye screamed at me, pointing her finger at the direction, attracting attention to us being out on the field.

Written Faith (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now