CHAPTER 9: Hσмιcιde

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~ The lion crouches down to stalk its prey as which a young man does to entice a lady. ~

Scott's POV

Hunger chewed the insides of my stomach as I strolled into the girls' bathroom. It might sound a big perverted. I know it does. But I wasn't going into the girls' bathroom to rape anyone or something. I just wanted to kill someone. Wait. Now that made me sound like a psychopath. Well, vampire, psychopath. Same thing.

Before turning corners and leaving the auditorium, I made sure I was alone and no one was following me. I pushed the swinging door to the girls' comfort room and went it. Hopefully, I'll find someone good enough to drain. If you're human, then you're good enough. Female blood just taste sweeter.

The time has come for me to satisfy my desire. The guys knew that every 3 hours or so I would feed from anyone. Sacrificing only one life was better than a vampire going blood-crazy and killing nearly half of the human population. No one wants that to happen, right?

The first moving object caught my eye. Luckily, I saw a girl fixing her makeup, eyeing herself in the mirror. As I walked further up to the girl, she took notice of me and paused.

"What are you doing in the girls' bathroom, Scott?" The girl asked, stuffing her essentials in her purse. She was acting really casual for meeting a famous celeb like me in the girls' bathroom, alone.

Her hair was ebony black and the glint in her dark brown eyes made her look more appealing, but I would not consider dating her. I don't "date" anyone. Kaye? She's just a decoy for the paparazzi to take pictures of us and feed the news more juicy details.

The mysterious girl was a perfect meal for me. The scent of her blood went throughout her body and into the my nostrils. I didn't know I was that thirsty until it hit me.

I could feel myself turn savage at the sight of her. Keep your cool, Scott. You don't wanna scare her off. Trapping the girl was like a lion on the hunt, sneaking up on the wild rabbit so that it could feast.

"What's your name, love?" I asked, making sure the door was locked. I casually glanced back and walked in reverse to secure it.

The girl made a small smile, replying to my question in a sly voice. "Tiffany." I tried to make the anticipation in my voice make me look more presentable.

"Well, Tiffany. Today is your lucky day. Coz, you're gonna get a kiss from me." Tiffany's jaw dropped. Her mouth curved in a perfect "o."

She lowly chuckled as if being ironic. "No way!"

My head nodded, a smirk on my lips. I checked out her body first even if I didn't need to. She just needed to think that I wanted her.

"Yes, indeed. Now, come closer so I can smooch ya!" My index finger beckoned for her to come closer. In a trance, Tiffany leaned in closer, hypnotized by my eyes. That old eye trick always works. Always.

As soon as she was close enough to have no avail in escaping my strong grip, my hands grabbed her, covering Tiffany's mouth and left my teeth sinking into her slender neck. I dragged them deep within her just to make sure I triggered something or popped a vein. It was less complicated that way to kill her.

The muffled screams made her sound like a squeaking mouse. But, even if my large hands were tightly sealing her mouth, Tiffany put up a fight and continued to shout through the barrier. It harmed my hearing.

I promptly drank the sweet red liquid, getting stronger after every sip. I was aware that I was showing the evil side of me in an incongruous location, but I didn't care.

Written Faith (GirlxGirl)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin