Mikrokosmos Final Chapter

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Edited in 04/17/20

(Y/N)'s POV

It's been two months since the Valentine's Day events, now, I'm seeing off Iwaizumi-senpai and Tooru........to go to their chosen university. Yes Iwaizumi-senpai will go to, he felt like his soulmate is there, I didn't cry since I let it all out last night when I stayed over at Tooru's house. I smiled and hugged him and Iwaizumi-senpai, they hugged me back

"Iwaizumi-senpai, don't forget the rules and orders I gave you okay?"I asked Iwaizumi-senpai as he nodded while Tooru is clueless

"What's that (Y/N)-chan?"he asked as I kissed him on the lips

"It's a secret Tooru~!"I said as he whined like a child, oh yeah I'm now in second year of high school and well, I'm classmates with all the first years of the volleyball team, weird right?

"Tell me Iwa-chan"Tooru said as Iwaizumi-senpai just clicked his tongue and smacked his head

"Like hell I'll tell you, Trashykawa!"Iwaizumi-senpai said as I laughed and looked at the train

"Well I guess this is goodbye, for now?"I asked as Tooru smiled and held my hand then kissed it

"You bet, I'll come back as a teacher (Y/N), I'll teach at Miyagi University"Tooru said as I smiled and nodded

"Promise me?"I asked as I held my pinky up while he chuckled

"I promise, now, we'll go. Bye my Sugar Plum!"he said as I blushed and waved goodbye, now I'll be going in my second year of high school

"BYE MY SUNSHINE!"I shouted as he smiled and waved goodbye too, now I'm 17 years old and I'm ready to face whatever is ahead of me. Oh and also Aoba Johsai's volleyball team is with me.

"Etto, (Y/N)-san are you okay?"Shigeru-kun asked as I smiled but felt tears running up to my cheeks

"W-why am I crying.........? I-I-I promised, T-T-Tooru.......that I won't cry......"I said as Shigeru-kun hugged me while I cried on his chest

Oikawa's POV

"I think your little girlfriend cried when we got in the train, Trashykawa"Iwa-chan said as I looked down

"Yeah, I know........it hurts......so much, but this is what I want. What she wants"I said as he looked at me

"I think you two will maintain things.........you can maintain LDR"Iwa-chan said as I smiled

"Yeah, I think so too"I said as we go to Tokyo!

~4 years have passed in (Y/N)'s POV~

I'm now officially a college student! I'm 20 years old and Tooru will be 24 years old, I'm at Miyagi University with Hinata, Kageyama, Hitoka-chan, Kei, and Yamaguchi, I took Drama, Dance, and Cinematics course, since I love to dance as a student. I don't really know what thers took, also we joined the volleyball club in here, I became a part of the club not just as manager nor assistant manager, I'm able to play with them. There's two transfer teachers but I don't know who or where university they are from, I heard my classmates saying, they're handsome so I expected handsome guys. I looked at the board as if interesting will happen, Tooru is really handsome than I excpected when he grew up. I looked boringly since the other transfer teacher is our teacher for the whole semester........I started to write songs and sing them in different places like streets, cafes, restaurants, and etc. I never really said anything on Tooru of my dreams, I just don't feel like it.......

"Good morning class"I heard the voice of my Sunshine? I looked at the front and saw Tooru wearing glasses that looked more like he's an actual teacher.......no way!

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