Mikrokosmos Chapter 6

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Edited in 04/17/20

(Y/N)'s POV

Today is the day of the exam results.........I really need to get 90 points on math if not, I will not be able to go to Tokyo with them! Sensei called my name and I stood up, I got my test paper in math, and saw.........89 points? Noooooooooo! So now I'm here sulking with Hinata and Kageyama, Suga-san looked at the two's test papers in English......

"They really didn't make it, then what about you (Y/N)-chan? Why are you sulking?"I heard Daichi-san's voice as I showed him my test paper

"Woah! From 25 to 89!? (Y/N) that is amazing! Why are you sulking?"I heard Asahi-san asked as I looked at him

"Amazing? I will never be with all of you at Tokyo! I wanna come too! I really tried my best!"I said as they looked at me while I sobbed and my brother clicked his tongue

"I could make an exception for you, since all you need is one point to reach 90 points, I'll make this an exception"I heard Takeda-sensei said as I looked at him and smiled widely

"REALLY!?"I asked as he nodded and I tackled Kei into a hug

"I'm coming with you Kei!"I said as he scoffed but ruffled my hair

"Good for you, Beanie"he said as we go home. 'Dear soulmate, I got 89 points in math, which is a miracle, I would be embarassed if I told you in person that I sucked at math but I'm happy because, I can go to Tokyo with my team! Where I will meet Nekoma again!' I thought as I happily slept.

3rd Person's POV

Oikawa was about to sleep but he heard his soulmate's voice again in his head

'Dear soulmate, I got 89 points in math, which is a miracle, I would be embarassed if I told you in person that I sucked at math but I'm happy because, I can go to Tokyo with my team! Where I will meet Nekoma again!' his soulmate said as he tried to sleep but he can't

"Just who are you? I'm really curious about you now......."Oikawa said as he smiled and slept, (Y/N) though was asleep, dreaming about her family, friends, and her soulmate but her soulmate is blury, only the one's she knew was clear........(Y/N) woke up because of nightmare.

"Soulmate.......I really need you right now, but we haven't met.......I hope I meet you soon, I don't want to be lonely anymore, I don't want any nightmares.......please Musubi-no-Kami, just lead me to my soulmate......."(Y/N) said as she cried in her bed. The next day (Y/N) looked like a zombie who just came out of the dead, Kei was curious as to what happen to his sister

"Oi Beanie! You sure your okay?"Kei asked her as she just ignored him and walked to school, all her classmates, icluding Hinata and Yamamoto was worried and curious as to why she looks so tired

"(Y/N)-chan? You okay?"Hinata asked as (Y/N) smiled like a creepy doll which made everyone shivered in fear

"I'm fine, Hinata........"she said as she looked at Yamamoto who looked back at her with a concerned look, he was about to walk towards them but Hinata stood in front of (Y/N)

"Sorry dude, Tsukishima said that you made her cry, so your off limits"Hinata said as (Y/N) laughed while looking at Yamamoto

"Now your all worried, Yamamoto Haru? After harassing me in this classroom?"(Y/N) asked in sarcasm in her tone, all of her classmates was shocked and looked at Yamamoto

"I-I-I.........."Yamamoto said but he was cut off by (Y/N) standing up

"I thought your my friend but no! Your so selfish! That's why I'm like this today! You still haunt me by your actions that day, I thought you never had a soulmate? And you lied to me, I'm your soulmate but you didn't said anything?"(Y/N) cried as Yamamoto looked at her

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