Mikrokosmos Chapter 2

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Edited in 04/17/20

(Y/N)'s POV
I walked to the court of the volleyball tournament, it's the Summer Tournament, and they had been practicing so much! I even thought Kei wouldn't do much hard work, but for some reason, I have a bad feeling about this. This time though, we are having a match with Aoba Johsai......I mindlessly walked while having these thoughts run through me, I didn't even notice that there's a guy in front of me then we bumped into each other.

"Ow!"I said as I bumped my head into the person's stomach.......he's really tall I guess?

"Oh sorry! I didn't see you there!"he said as I smiled at him

"It's fine! I wasn't looking either!"I said and for some reason, his voice made my heart pound......I looked up at him and saw a handsome guy! I blushed at his sight as he smiled down at me

"Be careful next time"he said as I nodded and reached for his hand that was hanging from my head

"Thank you for standing me up......"I said as he smiled again......

"Oi Trashykawa, come on the game is about to start!"a guy with black hair said as he looked down at me and I gulped

"W-well I gotta go too! B-bye!"I said and run off, that guy seems scary!

Oikawa's POV
The chubby girl left as I pouted and Iwa-chan dragged me to the court

"That chubby girl is cute"I said as he looked at me

"Huh!?"Iwa-chan asked as I pouted

"I wanna know her name, Iwa-chan! I kinda felt my heart pound when she talked to me!"I said as he scoffed

"Wait for your soulmate, dammit!"he said as I pouted again, we are against Karasuno......where my kouhai is, Tobio-chan. We line up as I saw the same chubby cute girl that I bumped earlier was on the Karasuno's benches.

"Iwa-chan look! That's the same girl from before!"I said as I pointed at the girl who was giving out bottles of water......we practiced

"Whatever, Beanie"Four Eyes said to the chubby cute girl from before as the chubby girl smacked his head, that must hurt.

"I TOLD YOU DON'T CALL ME BEANIE IN PUBLIC!"the chubby girl said as Four Eyes clicked his tongue and we heard the whistle blow

"Also that was a good luck charm, you idiot"the chubby girl said to Four Eyes who looked annoyed and glared at her, me and their captain shook hands.

"Let us play"we both said

"Hey, who is that chubby girl from the benches?"I asked their captain as he looked at me

"Sorry but I don't give away my friends names to others"he said as I scoffed and smirked, and then we played.......in the end, Aoba Johsai won. Shrimpy and Tobio-chan seemed defeated while the chubby girl run up to Four Eyes and gave him a hug, something tugs my heart as if it was being pulled away from my body, I felt jealous?

"What is their relationship?"I asked myself as Iwa-chan and I lined up.......then we shook hands......they seem all disappointed, especially that chubby girl.

"When will I meet my soulmate!?"I asked as Iwa-chan looked at me

"Don't know, maybe you don't have a soulmate, Trashykawa"Iwa-chan said as I pouted

"Then what is this!? 'Is it really cute? I think my team won't like it'"I read it as he smacked me on the face.....

"Shut up, Assikawa"he said as I pouted

(Y/N)'s POV
I felt hurt, disappointed, and sympathy for the team......they just lost to Aoba Johsai.......how come!? They practiced so hard, I even see them practicing even outside of the gym! How!? I'm not the one who played against Aoba Johsai but I feel their pain.......somehow.....we ate at a restaurant

"It's okay if you fail, for now, you all need rest, you all need to recover from that game, and most importantly you need to get stronger and beat Aoba Johsai, but for now.....eat all you want"Ukai-san said as I looked at all of them.......Kei, Takeda-sensei, Ukai-san, and Kiyoko-san are the only ones who is calm, while I feel happy for some reason? I don't know why but that guy I bumped into that day, I kept remembering him, his words, his voice, and his face........

"(Y/N)? Aren't you gonna eat anything?"Kiyoko-san asked as I looked at her

"Oh........I-I-I......I'm sorry but I don't feel good, I'm going home first"I said as they nodded and I walked away from all of them......I was really happy that I met the guy......why though? Why is my heart pounding whenever I think about him!? How come my soulmate isn't here!?

"Oka-san I'm home!"I said as I was tackled into a hug, I looked at Akiteru-nii.......

"Akiteru-nii......I thought your on your work?"I asked as he smiled and ruffled my hair

"I wanted to see my younger siblings!"he said as I smiled and hugged him

"Don't cheer me up, Kei needs it more than me"I said as he looked at me

"What happened on the match?"Akiteru-nii asked as I sighed

"Aoba Johsai crushed them......we lost.....but for some reason.....I'm happy......"I said as he looked at me

"You shouldn't be happy about that!"he said as I nodded

"I know, it's just......this guy I met is making me crazy......"I said as he looked at me in shining eyes

"Did my little sister found her soulmate!?"he asked as I shook my head

"No, but I felt my heart pound crazily when I talked to this guy......he is quite handsome and fairly tall.....like Kei but more shorter than him like two inches or something"I said as he looked at me

"What is the name of the guy?"Akiteru-nii asked as I shrugged my shoulders

"I don't know his name, all I know is that he's a setter of Aoba Johsai"I said as I walked inside my room and slept, dreaming about the guy.......
~To Be Continued~

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