Mikrokosmos Chapter 4

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Edited in 04/17/20

(Y/N)'s POV
I woke up as Yamamoto-kun and I got close ever since he started to come to my house to pick me up, I really wonder why all the girls doesn't care about this sweet guy?

"Say (Y/N)? The tests are coming next month, are free to take study lessons with me?"he asked as I looked at him

"Oh sure! I kinda needed help to pass my math exam, I'm not good at math!"I said as Hinata listened to our conversation

"(Y/N)-chan! Teach me how to study!"Hinata said as I looked at him in confusion

"Huh? Hinata......studying is the most important thing in school.....why are you here then if you don't know how to study?"I asked as he looked at me

"I don't know but I don't want to fail, because if I do, Takeda-sensei said that if we do have a fail, on any subject, we can't come to Tokyo!"Hinata said as I stood up

"What!? If I fail in math then I can't go either!"I said as he and I both cried then suddenly Yamamoto-kun grabbed my shoulder

"I can teach you to do maths....."he said with a blush as I smiled and gave him a hug

"Thank you Yamamoto-kun! I really appreciated it!"I said as he chuckled and patted my head

"What about me?"Hinata asked as Yamamoto-kun apologized

"I only teach (Y/N).......that's all"Yamamoto-kun said as I looked at Hinata

"Why not Hitoka-chan? She said that she's in class 5 right?"I asked as he nodded

"Yoshhhhh!"he said as I saw Kageyama?

"Come on Kageyama! Let's go to Yachi-san!"Hinata said as I smiled and shook my head

"He's an idiot"Yamamoto-kun said as I laughed

"He is, the both them are"I said as we talked for that......we started our study lesson on a cafe.

Oikawa's POV
Me and Iwa-chan are having a nice coffee time at a cafe near Karasuno.....I don't really know why we are here but someone suggested it to us so here we are.

"So Iwa-chan, I have something to ask you-----"I was cut off by someone sitting behind Iwa-chan......the chubby girl! She's with a guy?

"Why did you stop talking, Shittykawa?"Iwa-chan asked as I looked at him and pointed at his back, Iwa-chan then looked at his back and saw the chubby girl and the guy.

"That cute chubby girl is here"I said as he sighed and sip in his coffee

"Come on Shittykawa, you always say that to different girls"he said as I looked at him

"Eh? Don't you agree with me though?"I asked as he looked at me

"For once, I agree......but you have to wait for your soulmate, boke!"he said as I pouted and listened to the girl's conversation with the guy

"Oh now I get it! But somehow, it's complicated for me to compute.....WHY IS MATH HARD!?"I heard the girl screamed as other costumers looked at their table

"(Y/N), you have to calm down.....people are watching"the guy said as the girl looked around

"O-oh......I uhhh.....I'm sorry!"she said, so that's her name, (Y/N)? What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl like her.

"Come on, Trashykawa. We are going home"Iwa-chan said as he stood up and I followed

"Her name is (Y/N), wonderful!"I chirped as I happily walked beside Iwa-chan

"Don't be too happy, you don't know if she's your soulmate or not"Iwa-chan said as I looked at the sky

"Even though she's not my soulmate, I'll think of her as a cute girl I met!"I said as he smacked my head

"You aren't falling in love with that girl, right?"Iwa-chan asked as I looked at him

"I'm falling in love with her, Iwa-chan.......I think she's my soulmate....."I said as he scoffed

"You just think, but if she isn't your soulmate then, don't force it, you two are not destined to be together"Iwa-chan said as I pouted

"That's so mean Iwa-chan!"I said as he scoffed again.

"Well it's the truth"Iwa-chan said as I pouted and we walked home, somehow, I really fell and think that, that cute chubby girl is my soulmate and we will meet again. And I will talk to her.

(Y/N)'s POV

I got home before dinner so that's good, earlier, I feel like I saw Oikawa Tooru......at the cafe.

"What are you spacing out for, Beanie?"I heard Kei asked while I saw I'm at the table and eating

"Are you okay, my baby girl?"oka-san asked as I nodded my head

"Oka-san I have a question"I said as oka-san and Kei looked at me

"What is it, dear?"she asked as I looked at her not really caring if Kei is there.

"There is this guy named Oikawa Tooru, he's a senpai from another school, and he is the setter of the volleyball team of Aoba Johsai"I said as Kei looked at me

"Okay"oka-san said as I continued while Kei just listened

"I feel and think that he's my soulmate, I met him once and earlier when Yamamoto-kun and I studied at a cafe, I feel like he's there.......I feel my heart pouding so fast so I couldn't focus that study lesson........"I said as they looked at me, oka-san chuckled while Kei looked at me

"I think you're falling in love with the guy, if he's your soulmate then he wouln't say those imprinted words that was on your wrist but no, right?"oka-san asked as I looked at her and met my eyes with Kei

"Yeah........m-maybe I'm falling in love with him........I'll try to avoid him as much as possible......"I said as oka-san nodded

"That's better cause your soulmate will be disappointed if he knew that you have feelings for another guy"Kei said as I nodded and eat my dinner, I saw a flyer in the refrigerator that tomorrow will have a summer festival around here.

"Oka-san, I wanna go to the festival tomorrow"I said as oka-san smiled

"Sure, Kei will come with you, right Kei?"oka-san asked Kei and he scoffed

"Why me? Can't she go alone?"Kei asked as I pouted and oka-san chuckled

"It's her first time in a summer festival around here Kei, remember she go to boarding school when she's 8 years old?"oka-san asked as Kei sighed and nodded anyways, I smiled and stood up, I hugged him from the back

"Thank you, Kei......."I said as he blushed and told me to get off his back while oka-san laughed and took a picture.......

"Oh and sweetie, I found my old kimono in the garage, it's all yours now! And Kei, here's yours"oka-san said as she handed us our kimono's while Kei just stared at the kimono in disgust

"I won't wear this, I'm not interested in kimono's, I like to wear casual clothes"Kei said as i smiled

"I wanna see you in a kimono, I'm sure your handsome throughout. If you don't want to wear a kimono, that's okay, as long as my brother will come with me, that's fine. I'll go to my room now, oyasuminasai!"I said as I walked to my room

Kei's POV

I stared at Beanie, I held my kimono tightly

"You should consider it, Kei......she really wants to see you in a kimono"oka-san said as I scoffed and bring my kimono to my room, I hang it

"Why would she say that? It's embarassing.........tch"I said as I looked at the kimono again

"Consider it huh?"I asked as I looked at the time, 10pm, I'll sleep for tonight......

~To Be Continued~

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