Mikrokosmos Chapter 7

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Edited in 04/17/20

(Y/N)'s POV

We arrived at Tokyo while we we're greeted by Kuroo Tetsuro, who is the captain of Nekoma, he is my favorite player in Nekoma and friend too.

"How are you (Y/N)?"he asked me as I smiled and gave him a hug on the side of his stomach

"I'm doing good! And also please take care of Kei for me........"I said as he nodded and hugged me back, people wondered what is his relationship with me, but I never really cared for that.

"Kenmaaaaaaaa!"I shouted as I hugged the pudding head and he just awkwardly hugged me back

"Where's Shoyou?"he asked as I smiled and kissed his cheek

"He and Kageyama retake English exam......."I said as he nodded and Inouka-san greeted me while we walked to the gym.

"Can I practice with you guys?"I asked Kuroo as he looked down at me and laughed

"You? Are you sure? We are all tall than you, so it's impossible to beat us"he said as I scoffed and I looked at Kenma

"Toss for me, Kenma"I said as they all looked at me, Nekoma, Fukurodani, Karasuno, and etc.

"You can't be serious, (Y/N)? We haven't beat them yet"Suga-san said as I smiled

"Sorry Suga-senpai, but I only said I'm practicing with them, now Kenma. If you may? I'm gonna show Kuroo-san, who he calls impossible for me to practice with"I said as he nodded and Takeda-sensei was apologizing to Nekomata-sensei.......

"It's fine, she has some guts. She's the same height as that number 10, wonder what will happen"Nekomata-sensei said as I licked my lips then I waited Kenma to toss the ball, when he did, I ran full speed at the ball and spiked it all the way to the other side of my point of view, I landed gracefully on the ground while looking at Kuroo. He and all of the people at the gym looked at me in shock.......

"What do ya say, Kuroo-san?"I asked as he smirked and went to the side of the court

"One more, I'll serve and you receive it, you only have one chance"Kuroo said as I nodded

"Don't hold back, Tetsuro-senpai~"I said as he smirked while I did too, he served it and I readied my position, is it too far? Then I have no choise but to.........

"JUST STRETCH OUT MY LEGS!"I shouted as the ball hit my shoes and I stood up straight then spiked it with all my force towards Kuroo's face and it did went to his face, I fall to the ground while laughing

"What the hell!?"he asked as I only laughed

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING SO COCKY, KUROO-SAN! HAHAHAHAHAHA"I said as he scoffed and went towards him

"Sorry Kuroo-san, here"I said as I helped him up and stood on my tippy toes then wiped the blood rushing down his nose.

"Tch, it's fine, my fault anyways........"he said as I smiled and gestured him to get down, I kissed his nose and cheek

"So it will get better, I'm really sorry for that........"I said as he smiled and ruffled my hair, we then heard clapping, I saw Nekomata-sensei.

"You have potential, why don't you become a volleyball player instead of assistant manager?"Nekomata-sensei asked as I smiled

"I'm okay watching Kei happy with his teammates, also I'm not really interested on playing on the court"I said as he smiled

"Well that's a waste, but you can go and join the practice matches along with Nekoma and Karasuno......."he said as I smiled and nodded

"Thank you, Nekomata-sensei!"I shouted as he just smiled while I looked over to a very tall guy........

"Your so tall!"I said to him as he looked down at me

"Thank you, the names Lev Haiba"he said as I smiled, I then run towards Karasuno who looked at me in shock

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT!?"they all asked except for Kei and Ennoshita-senpai

"Oh that........I don't really know. My body reacted on their own"I said as they started to practice against schools

'Dear soulmate, I am in Tokyo with Karasuno's boys volleyball team, I met Nekoma, I kinda challenged their ace. I said to the ace that I would like to join them to their practices but their ace was being a cocky bastard, don't get me wrong but his a friend of mine, but serves him right! I showed him the impossible, for a girl with a height of 5'4 that I can jump and serve like that. Oh by the way, I received the ball in my shoes and spiked it to his cocky face.......but afterwards I said sorry to him since I went too hard. Everyone is working hard because Aoba Johsai crushed them last time, now I know, we will crush them........I believe on Kei and the others' I thought as I smiled and continued to watch them practice and loose........

Oikawa's POV

'Dear soulmate, I am in Tokyo with Karasuno's boys volleyball team, I met Nekoma, I kinda challenged their ace. I said to the ace that I would like to join them to their practices but their ace was being a cocky bastard, don't get me wrong but I'm a friend of his, but serves him right! I showed him the impossible, for a girl with a height of 5'4 that I can jump and serve like that. Oh by the way, I received the ball in my shoes and spiked it to his cocky face.......but afterwards I said sorry to him since I went to hard. Everyone is working hard because Aoba Johsai crushed them last time, now I know, we will crush them........I believe on Kei and the others' I heard my soulmate says as I looked at my tv........Karasuno is getting stronger huh? Kuroo Tetsuro, ace of Nekoma........she sent her spike to his face and he didn't even dodged? What an idiot........she believes to her teammates too much.......wait I'm also like that......no wait, they all believe in me........what kind of girl is her really? This thoughts of hers are confusing me, she's sweet, nice, and a kind heart it seems.......but what is her appearance? Now I know that she's 5'4, but that's not enough..........and yes I haven't forgot the cute chubby girl I bumped into last Inter-High.....

"I wish I meet you too soon......."I said as I continued to watch tv.

~To Be Continued~

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