Mikrokosmos Chapter 12

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Edited in 04/17/20

(Y/N)'s POV

It's now December and it's so cold outside! Me and Tooru are doing well in our relationship, we maintain our lives like normal, every weekends, Tooru comes to our house to sleep with me, of course oka-san and Akiteru-nii approved it but Kei seemed rude to Tooru, but it's he's personality so I can't change that.

"Oi Beanie! You forgot your coat on the house!"Kei shouted throughout my classroom as I grunted and glared at him

"Fine, Giraffe!"I said as he glared down at me while I glared back, I just scoffed and walked to my seat again, I saw Hinata.

"How are you and The Great King, (Y/N)-chan?"he asked as I smiled

"We're doing good, how about you and Hitoka-chan?"I asked as he smiled

"Also doing good!"he said as the teacher came in and we started the lesson. After class, they still have practice during winter, so I have to go and watch them train.

"So cold!"I said as I sneezed when I said that........

"Don't tell me you have a fever again?"Kei asked as I shook my head

"I think someone is talking about me"I said as he looked down at me

"Maybe it's your boyfriend"he said as I smiled

"Maybe"I said as he scoffed and I looked at my calendar, December 21st

"Kageyama!"I said as Kageyama looked at me

"Yes, (Y/N)-san?"he asked as I smiled

"If I remember correctly, Tooru said that your birthday is December 22nd?"I asked him as he looked at me and nodded

"Yeah, why?"he asked as I smiled

"It's tomorrow!"I said as he blinked at me in confusion

"I don't plan on going anywhere tomorrow"he said as I smiled and nodded

"Well okay! But I'll still give you a gift though!"I said as he shook his head

"It's fine, you don't have to----"I cut him off

"Nonsense! I am your assistant manager therefore, I will give you a gift!"I said as he looked at me and nod

"Okay, but please do not push yourself too hard"he said as I nodded and looked again at my calendar, I also have notes on every member and staff around Karasuno's Boys Volleyball Team, so I know they're birthdays.

"Next is Ennoshita-senpai and Daichi-san's birthday, I better give them the best gift ever"I said as I looked at my phone again, I found a new message from Tooru. I smiled and pressed it.

Her King🤴🏻:

His Queen👸🏻:
What is it Tooru? I'm on my club duty today

Her King🤴🏻:
Oh right! Wait what? Don't they rest for the cold weather?

His Queen👸🏻:
That's what I thought! But nope, they don't rest

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