Mikrokosmos Chapter 3

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Edited in 04/17/20

(Y/N)'s POV
I walked to the school without my brother, I woke up early so I left early too, I sat down on my seat while waiting for the others pile in......Akiteru-nii searched the guy that I bumped into at the Summer Tournament, and I learned his name......Oikawa Tooru! Basically he's popular.......I don't have a chance with him.......all girls seem to like him so yeah......he's handsome in pictures but super handsome up close.......

"Eh? (Y/N)-chan? You sure are early"I heard Hinata's voice as I looked at him and smiled

"Yeah, I woke up early than Kei, so I went straight here"I said as students began to fill in.......some people doesn't have a soulmate......in fact they have the potential to find their own partner.......kinda nice to hear but I mostly choose to have a soulmate.

"Hey are you okay now? Hinata?"I asked Hinata as he looked at me and nodded

"Yeah! I'm going to get stronger and beat the Great King!"he said as I looked at him in confusion

"Great King? Who's that?"I asked as he started to get his things

"Oh it's Oikawa Tooru, we call him The Great King cause he's amazing, that's why I want to beat him"Hinata said as I looked at him and nodded, I took out my homework on English

"Did you do your homework in English?"I asked Hinata as he looked shocked

"We have homework!?"he asked as I face palmed

"Never mind"I said as the teacher came in, English teacher at that.....the class dismissed and now it's time for club!

"(Y/N)! Your on cleaning duty remember?"my classmate asked as I forgot I have it today!

"Oh yeah! Hinata go to the gym first!"I said as I run towards my classroom again, but I didn't noticed someone spilled some water in the entrance and then I slipped

"Oh my gosh, (Y/N)! You okay!?"my classmates asked as I nodded and tried to stand up but I felt a pain in my right ankle, I groaned in pain.

"Here let me help you"Yamamoto said as I looked at him......he lifted me up successfully on his arms! I'm heavy, so how!?

"I'll bring Tsukishima-san on the nurses office......fill up for me and her while we're gone"Yamamoto Haru said as I clung to his neck

(A/n: the picture above is Yamamoto Haru)

"Thank you Yamamoto-kun"I said as he smiled

"It's fine......do you have someone to take you home?"he asked as I looked at the time......4:30......

"Can you uhhh......can you drop me off my house?"I asked as he chuckled and nodded while he squatted down, his back facing me

"Get in"he said as I got on his back while he gave me a piggyback ride

"Thank you......Yamamoto-kun.....but can you also walk to the gym? I have to tell my brother that I'll be going home"I said as he nodded and walked to the gym, while walking, I'm kinda curious about him, he's handsome, kind, funny, and not flirty guy.

"Did you find your soulmate?"I asked as he chuckled

"I'm one of those people that doesn't have a soulmate.......I'm one of those people who will find my partner on my own"he said as I looked shocked

"I'm.......sorry.......it must be tough huh?"I asked as we came in the gym, I saw all of them working hard

"Ah it's (Y/N) hime......who are you?"Tanaka-san asked as I smiled

"It's fine Tanaka-san, he's helping me to get home actually, I sprained my ankle earlier, so Giraffe, you'll be walking with Yamaguchi today!"I said to Kei as he glared at me

"Stop calling me that, Beanie"he said as I blushed because, Yamamoto-kun is here, that nickname isn't supposed to be heard by anyone in public.

"Stop calling me that, aho!"I said as I scoffed and told Yamamoto-kun to walk now for home......when we walked to the exit of the school, Yamamoto-kun chuckled

"Beanie? Is that your nickname from your brother?"he asked as I pouted

"You shouldn't supposed to hear that detail......."I said as he chuckled

"It's fine, I find it cute though"he said as I looked at his head

"Stop that!"I said as he laughed

"To be honest, it was never tough to find your partner on your own.....but it's tough if the one I like has a soulmate"he said as I looked at the sky

"That girl must be lucky, neh Yamamoto-kun?"I asked as he chuckled

"Yeah, but she has a soulmate......what about you? Did you find your soulmate yet?"Yamamoto-kun asked as I chuckled

"Hopefully though, I find them......"I said as he breathed heavily

"What do you mean by 'them'?"he asked as I smiled

"I don't know if it's a girl or a guy.......cause the imprinted sentence are girlish"I said as he came to a halt, he sat me down on a bench, he must be tired.

"Sorry but I need to rest, and I need to know more about you"he said as I smiled and he sat down on my side

"I must be heavy huh?"I asked as he shook his hand

"No! Actually your pretty light for a chubby girl like you"he said as I blushed and smiled, I lifted my sleeves so he could see the imprinted sentence.

"Is this your soulmate?"he asked as I nodded

"Yeah......pretty girlish right?"I asked as he chuckled

"I think it's pretty cute, a guy saying some things like that in public"he said as I smiled and looked at him

"I think so too, anyways who's the girl you have been talking about?"I asked as he looked at me

"I'd rather not say, not now but I'll tell you soon"he said as I nodded not wanting to interfere more, we began to walk again, well he, began to walk again. He rang the doorbell and oka-san opened the door

"Oh my gosh, my baby girl! What happened to you?"she asked as I blushed

"Oka-san! I told you not call me that!"I said as Yamamoto-kun chuckled

"She is clumsy to slip into a puddle of water at the entrance of the classroom, she sprained her right ankle"Yamamoto-kun explained to oka-san, oka-san let him in

"Do you want juice, dear?"oka-san asked as Yamamoto-kun nodded, he smiled at me while he sat me down on the couch.

"Here ya go, dear"oka-san said as Yamamoto-kun smiled and thanked her

"I should be thanking you, for carrying my daughter from school to here.......I know she's a little bit clumsy"oka-san said as I rolled my eyes

"Oka-san!"I said as Yamamoto-kun chuckled and looked at the clock

"Oh, I have to go! I'll be picking you up tomorrow, Tsukishima-san, I'll be your legs for now"he said as I blushed and nodded
~To Be Continued~

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