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Jennie's POV

After 5 minutes we arrived in front of my house and I quickly pecked Jimin on the lips and said, "bye babe" and ran put to the door.

I looked back and waved and he waved back. I turned the door knob and peeked inside just to make sure no one was visible.

I tip toed over to the room and got inside and quickly shut it behind. "So...you finally decided to arrive.." I heard someone and I froze up.


I slowly turn around to find literally everyone in the room. Why didn't I saw them when I came in?

At that time I knew I fucked up. "Um...h-hello?" I said and they just shot me a death glare. "Where the fuck were you? AND WHAT IS THAT!!?" Jisoo yelled looking at my neck. Great this couldn't be any worse than it already is.

"Um..uh..eh.." I was stuttering as they all were looking at me as if they were lions and I was their prey. "I WENT OUT WITH JIMIN OKAY!?" Jesus" I yelled. "You didn't even told us and you made out!?" Lisa said. "No we didn't made out!" I lied. "Then how would you explain the hickey? OMG ARE YOU CHEATING ON HIM!?" Rosé said and then started yelling. "Bish I would never do that...yeah we made out I guess" I lied because if I told them I had sex I will make the things even worse.

"Awww baby girl is growing so fast" Jisoo fake cried. "Oh c'mon I know your hanging out with Taehyung behind our backs!" I said with a smirk and she looked at me with wide eyes. "Yeah you ain't hiding nothin from me" I said and she stuttered. "T-thats not true". "Your stuttering meaning your truly lying bitch" I said and she sighed meaning she gave in. "Yeah fucking fine I dating Taehyung for like...3 months" as she said that rosé and lisa gasped. "I thought you told me everything you piece of shit" lisa said in a silly way and we all laughed.

Jimin's POV
8:44 pm

I opened the door finding a lazy Taehyung and Jungkook laying down on the couch. "Hyung did you have sex?" Taehyung asked. "Um..." I was hesitant at first but I gave in. "Yeah.." I said and looked down smiling like crazy. "OH MA GAWD I WISH YOU DIDN'T KEPT A CONDOM OR YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN A FATHER" Jungkook said fake crying. "Yeah yeah whatever dickhead" I said and went to my room to change.

I took off my clothes and put them into the laundry basket near the door. I wore a tang top and some shorts since it was freaking hot.

I went out to the kitchen to make the dinner. "Need help hyung?" Jungkook said turning to me. "nah I don't want a burnt house" I said and opened the fridge to see if anything is there.

"Guys...I am crushing on some one" he said and I instantly close the door of the fridge and look at him. "Your cheating on rosé!!?" I yell-asked him. "Your crushing on Chaeyoung!??" Taehyung said smiling. "Uh well yeah...kinda" he said and blushed. "ask her out!" Taehyung suggested smiling and I agreed. "Yeah bro don't be a pussy" I said and opened the cup of ramen noodles. "Aww is that what we're gonna have" Taehyung whined. "Yeah I am too lazy to do anything" I said and sat down with the others in the stool.

We all were slurping on our noodles and talking about THEIR crushes and MY girlfriend. "Welp I am going out with Jisoo" as soon as he said that me and Jungkook put down our chopsticks and send him a death glare for not telling us. "For how long?" Jk asked. "3 months" he said and I gasped. "OH MA GAWD MY BABY IS GROWING UP SO FAST.....and when are you gonna grow you big baby?" I fake cried and then looked at Jungkook. "Fine I'll ask her out.... Jesus" He rolled his eyes and slurped on his noodles.

Jennie's POV
10:30 pm

I and the members ate dinner and were now laying on our beds playing with our phones...well that's what me and lisa were doing. I decided to text Jimin since I was already missing him.

Hey babe....

Heyy ...
-Jiminie pabo ❤️

Whatcha doing?

Today was fun wasn't it? 😏
-Jiminie pabo ❤️

Don't bring that up or I am not sleeping tonight 😂

As you wish princess..
-Jiminie pabo ❤️

Yeah that's what I am wishing 😂😂

-Jiminie pabo ❤️

Did you wanted to talk about something?
-jiminie pabo ❤️

No I was just missing you baby

I missed you too
-Jiminie pabo ❤️

While I was about to type Lisa interrupted me. "FucKiNg stop talking to Jimin and go to sleep or you ain't gonna wake up tomorrow!" She said turning off the lights. "Ugh fine lalisa" I said and typed:

Gee I gotta go lisa is....being lisa

Okay bye baby❤️❤️😂
-jiminie pabo ❤️

I shut my phone and stared at the ceiling smiling. "Girl stop being a creep" I looked at Lisa as she said that. "I am just so happy" I said smiling. "I feel ya" she said and closed her eyes.

Jimin's POV

I was sitting with Taehyung as Jungkook went to sleep, both of us talking about our girlfriends but suddenly this slipped out of my mouth. "I wanna marry her tae" I said and not even jokingly. "Dude you serious?" He said smiling at me like crazy.

When I looked at his face I knew he was gonna say do it hyung do it!!

"Um..yeah I am serious" I said looking at the ceiling smiling. "Then do it hyung do it!!" Just what I expected him to say. "Yeah sure like she is gonna say yes" I said almost tears in my eyes. "If she wants to be your wife she will" He said and I looked at him so excited.

"You think she is gonna say yes?!!" I said. "Well yeah she just had sex with you today...what else are you waiting for bitch?" He said and I was so happy. "You think I should buy a ring?" I said and sat up. "it's your wish and if you wanna me and Jungkook will go with you" he said and I hugged him. "Your the best" I whispered. "I know I am" he said and we both giggled.

To be continued~
Hey guys hope you enjoyed this part and I am sure you did.
And hope your happy that I am posting/publishing these parts pretty fast 😊
Bye my sweet, tasty and delicious dumplings 🌰❤️

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