ch5: Madara vs Garp

Start from the beginning

"Well, now you truly are going to become a marine" Garp squeezed his knuckles "I can't let you go out with the Rokushiki to the sea"

"Only if you can make" Madara replied.

The two looked at each other with a smile. "Soru!" The two shouted at the same time, disappearing and reappearing in mid-air colliding their fist.

And enormous boom generated another earthquake through the entire island.

"Another one, what the hell is happening" Gyoru came out of his store looking around to the rest of the villagers.

Makino came out of the bar she was working on and looked at the mayor. "Mayor! What is happening?!"

"I don't know!" The mayor yelled.

Makino looked at the Mountain Colubo with a troubled face.

Even in the capital, the earthquake felt heavily.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?! ANSWER ME?!" The king Sterry demanded to his counselor.

In the Mt. Colubo, the earthquake felt greater.



The house shuddered by the earthquake.

Dadan was calm smoking her cigar while looking outside. "Madara…Garp" She whispered.

She knew how the relationship between Madara and Garp worked. They respected each other as warriors and as the 3 children's tutors. But deep inside, they both longed for a fight, a fight between fierce warriors.

Back with Madara and Garp, the two of them were exchanging blows back and forth with their fists enveloped in Haki. Every collision made the island tremble, but for them, the island didn't exist. For them, it was just one and the other.

"Soru!" The two of them screamed again and again, moving at extreme speed that human eyes couldn't follow. The two of them were suspended in mid-air after the collision.

"Geppo!" Garp jumped in mid-air and aimed a punch to Madara's face.

"I see…. Geppo!"Madara evaded jumping in the air in the same way Garp did. "Geppo" Madara pushed himself towards Garp using the impulse generated by Geppo. They clashed their arms and a huge shock resonated though all the mountain.

"Can you please stop stealing my techniques?" Garp joked.

"Make me" Madara replied.

He knew how the techniques worked just by looking at them, he was an experienced warrior, even without his sharingan, his observation skills were super human.

They distanced themselves and jumped again in mid-air towards each other "Geppo!" the two shouted and impulse in the air.

"Geppo!" Garp jumped again going higher than Madara "Try imitating this, Rankyaku!" Garp kicked the air the air sending a powerful blade made of compressed air.

'I can make beginner Jutsus more powerful than that' Madara though.

"Watch me, Rankyaku!" Madara threw a projectile with the same technique Garp used.

The two air blades clashed releasing an explosion sound. The two them jumped towards each other using Geppo and started another exchange of blows. Garp evaded one of Madara's blow using Soru at short distance pushed his finger.

"Shigan!" Garp thrusted his finger in the middle of Madara's chest.

Madara spitted blood after the injure he received.

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