Day 4

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It's a rainy day today, and Blaster did not like it, nor did Unique. Blaster was a really big fan of sunsets and the rain won't help his crippling anxiety even a single bit.

Unique, with nowhere else to go, was in his hotel room. He didn't have anything else besides his take out from the friendly neighbourhood restaurant and a journal waiting to be written on.

it's obviously not a good day today. i went here in hawaii half-hoping the weather is always sunny and enjoyable just for a change.

i have to admit, i once wanted to watch the sunsets with my girlfriend the way me and blaster did.. it's was just so romantic and lovely. but i never had the time to be with her. i just never had the chance.

when she's free, i'm not; when i'm free, she's not. it would be A MIRACLE if the both of us had complete time for each other, but the heavens won't let us.

a side of me just wanted to bring her along in hawaii but her schedule was FULL and did not have time for a one week vacation. bullsh

Unique heard a knock on the door and he stopped writing. He stood up, looked through the peephole and smiled, it was the person that he expected to see.

He opened the door and saw Blaster smiling, he had brought a wooden box, holding its handle tight. "Hello, what brings you here?" Unique asks as Blaster enters the room. "Nothing, besides I also have nothing to do in my room, I also can't walk around the place like what I used to do cause it's raining."

sorry for randomly not continuing what i just wrote earlier, blaster knocked on the door. and he came over because it was raining.

"Oh, what's that little box you're holding?" Unique points at the wooden box that Blaster was holding. "It's important stuff, come, I'll show you." Blaster sits on the bed and Unique sits indian style on the messy and undone sheets.

"I make bracelets with people that I feel nice with. We're going to do beaded bracelets, with my name and your name on it. Hopefully we have enough letter beads if ever a letter gets repeated. You're name's Unique right? So. "U" gets repeated twice, and everything's all set." Unique nods.

"Yeah, and in your name there's no letters repeated." Unique replied. Blaster opened the box, and it was filled with loose beads and random polaroid pictures. "So these are the elastics, you put beads on them and then you secure it with a tie. And then we exchange bracelets so that I'd have your name on mine and my name on yours. Like best friends."

so earlier, we made bracelets with our names beaded on them. it was actually kinda fun if you ask me.

Blaster gave Unique a string of elastic, and Unique started a pattern with the color of beads, red-green-blue and the name 'Unique' beaded on it. "Why's your name Blaster?" Unique asks as he insert another bead. "I don't know. Ask my mom or dad when you go to heaven." He answered in monotone, and then looking away from Unique, fixing his posture and then went back to fixing the little beaded bracelet.

Blaster's bracelet was different from Unique's. It had no color pattern at all, or a color scheme just to make it look a little bit organized. "On normal days, what do you do when it's raining?" Unique asks in a steady voice, trying not to be too harsh with his tone―cause he always was. Now he didn't want to be too harsh on Blaster, didn't feel nice seeing him quiet and frowning. "Nothing. Panic attacks get me the most when it rains. I keep on panicking and I get paranoid. It's not a good memory to look back on." Blaster shook his head after answering, but smiled and looked at Unique.

"I always found peace in the rain, it's just so calming and it feels so warm." Unique replied, breaking eye contact. "Not for people in my case, the rain just kills me, it makes me anxious. Everything about it does, but since you're here, I'm okay. I have a reason to be happy about things and that makes me feel okay." Unique had both his eyebrows raised, probably tried to sink down the fact that he's someone's reason to be happy and to keep on going.

"Does that mean I'm your reason to be happy?" Unique jokes, but stopped laughing once Blaster answered. "Yes you are." He softly replied, "Oh. I thought you were joking." Unique paused, his little jokingly mocking face soften. He glanced at Blaster, and Blaster glanced back.

Blaster smiled and looked down, breaking the very little eye contact that they shared for the shortest amount of time. "Forget about it. We're good friends."

"We've just met for like four days, Blaster. We never have deeply met each other."

"This might be the shortest of friendships that you've ever been in, but I've never felt so happy and so loved for so long, you feel me?" Blaster tied his beaded bracelet with a tight knot and handing it to Unique. "My bracelet's done. How about yours?" Blaster gave the bracelet to Unique, but still not looking at him.

"Mine's almost done. Thanks for being my friend, though." Unique smiled softly, giving Blaster a gentle stare, but Blaster didn't look back at the this time. "No problem, I don't have friends anyway."

we exchanged bracelets and i got the one with his name on it. there's this one thing that he did and kept me up at night that's why i'm writing this.

when he was about to leave, he kissed my cheek. i know, okay. nothing intimate. but it just created questions.

i'll sleep now.

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