Day 2

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i woke up to like a really nice sunrise and it's a first time for me to wake up early by myself i mean i have woken up early by myself but not that early to catch the sunrise

i ate breakfast, then took a shower. i felt lazy today and only wore my shorts and a white button up that was a little too big on me since i'm kinda skinny but it's okay. they call me a skinny legend in twitter so let me live my life

i'm not enthusiastic online and on camera because it's just not me. like sometimes i just cant let my real self out without being judged

it's sad

i can't live my vacation with being sad so i might as well forget about what i said

i'm going to explore this place okay i'm going out

Unique went outside his hotel room, and then explored the place.

It was a nice place, a beautiful one indeed. The sun shines and the sky is beautifully blue. The beach had white sand and and it was beautiful there. There were also a lot of flowers and palm trees.

It was calming at this place, he wondered why not that much people check in at this place when it's straight up beautiful here.

Unique ate lunch and went back to beachfront.

Unique wasn't a fan of the hot weather or the beach, but Hawaii slowly started to change his mind.

when i was walking around the beach, a guy accidentally bumped me. i said "sorry" but the guy's eyes widened. his face was too familiar at first when i saw that he was the guy at the restaurant!

"You again?" The guy asks, the smile on his lips slowly turning into a frown. "Why are you here?" Unique asks.

"It's none of your business."

The guy shakes his head. "Nevermind. I'm sorry about what happened yesterday and what I have said. I was really at a bad mood." He added.

"Oh. Well then I'm sorry too." Unique slightly smiles.

Unique went silent and he didn't know what to say, he looked away. He started to walk away from the guy but stopped once the guy called him out. "Hey!" He shouted. "Yeah?" Unique looks back, "Wanna stay at my room for a second? You know, it's kinda hot outside and---" Unique cuts him off with a smile and a laugh. "Sure."

when the guy asked me if i could go to his room, i was straight up shocked and i didnt know what to say or what to do

i just basically laughed it off because honestly i don't even know this guy but i still agreed to stay at his room

The guy closes the door, and Unique sat on the chair, "Thanks for making me stay over, I guess?" Unique mumbles, but loud enough for the guy to hear. "No problem. You seem like a nice guy, anyway. Sit here beside me." The guy sits on the bed. "Sure."

i was actually kinda confused because i dont know who this guy is, plus i remember the black woman who said this guy was crazy

"What's your name?" Unique asks. "My name's Blaster, how about you?" Blaster answered, "My name is Unique."

"Wow, that name is so not common, really unique." Blaster mocks Unique's name, then laughs loudly. "I don't know why my name is Unique when I'm literally not Unique." He frowns, and then looks away. "So what are we gonna do here?" Unique changes the topic. "Hmm, possibly talk about our personal lives?" Unique nodded at Blaster's response. "Sure."

Hours were spent when they were talking about their personal lives, and Unique was very talkative along with Blaster.

Blaster glances at the window. "It's sunset!" Blaster took Unique's hand and dragged him to the beach, leaving the room.

"The sunset always is beautiful." Blaster breathes in, "I'm a big fan of sunsets, and it always takes my breath away." Blaster looks at Unique. "And it has become a ritual of mine to watch it every single day. It's kinda weird that's why people call me crazy." He adds then laughs.

"It's not crazy." Unique looks at Blaster, and it was followed by silence.

Under the palm trees, they sat on the sand as they watch the clouds turn into a mix of colors. Pink, blue and tangerine, with a little bit of subtle white in between. It was beautiful. It really was breathtaking.

Blaster smiles, then looks at Unique. "I've never watched the sunset with anyone aside from my parents, and that makes you special."

"How so? I'm no special, watched sunsets with too many people―too many sunsets as well."

"Can't say the same for me, I don't have friends here and no one would ever bother to befriend me. So... You're special―but far from lucky."

"Is that so? Well then, that's nice."

They stopped talking and looked at the sun who was slowly setting down, he could metaphorically compare the sun and moon to him and his girlfriend―always chasing each other and would see each other rarely. If they do, it would be such a burst of different colors and different shades of pink, orange, blue, violet or sometimes even a pale shade of red; so beautiful. But it would be a really short amount of time, and the sun would just watch the moon rise again, and when they meet―golden is the sky.

I miss my girlfriend already. So so much.

what happens in hawaii, stays in hawaii • blasniqueWhere stories live. Discover now