Day 3

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yesterday i was able to give blaster my phone number and my room number, i also told him to feel free on visiting me anytime he feels on doing so.

it was a bizarre moment for me to hear blaster call me special for being able to watch a sunset with him, eitherway, i think we'd be good friends during my stay here in hawaii

i was actually planning on going on some malls to buy me souvenirs (just like little bracelets or little magnets just to make my vacation a little bit sentimental)

about my day, it was a completely lazy one. honestly i didn't do anything but spend my time sleeping or writing songs or stress eating for the past couple of hours.

i genuinely don't know what to do today since i have explored the whole resort yesterday before bumping onto blaster. maybe eat? but i already have; write songs? but i'm not in the mood anymore.

i'll wait 'til phone rings in hopes of blaster texting or calling me. maybe i'll just have to go outside and then wait for blaster.

Unique stood up from the bed, and then fixed himself at the mirror before going outside. The sun was nearly setting but not enough to call it an actual 'sunset'. The sun was still up, but the sky is slowly turning a bit golden and a bit orange―but it just looked pale.

He went to the seashore and sat down the sand, the seawater waving back and forth. Sometimes waves were strong enough to touch his legs, but most of the time it was only able to touch his feet, but he had his feet buried in the soft white sand.

Unique was startled from what seems to be a flash, and what first came to his mind was a camera flash, and guess what, it is. He looked to his left and saw Blaster. "Delete that!" Unique screamed, but Blaster was too busy laughing hardly, mouth wide open, smiling widely, eyes closed, hand on his belly with sounds of laughing filling the atmosphere―and Unique was just there, pissed but in a playful way.

"HAHAHAHA! Too bad I can't delete this," He waves the polaroid picture that he was shaking. "Throw that away!" Unique pleads, but Blaster did not listen. "Nope, I'm keeping this." Blaster shakes his heads, pulling the picture close to his chest as if he was hugging it. "I look ugly there, just take another picture, then!" Unique pouted his lips. "Exactly why I'm keeping it." Blaster nods his head while playfully smirking.

"Guess I can't do anything about that, then." Unique frowned, "Don't frown! You look uglier if you frown." Blaster chuckled as he pocketed the polaroid picture of Unique.

"Mind if we walk around?" Blaster asked, "Sure."

"About what you said yesterday, what do you mean you always can't sleep at night?" Unique asked as they were walking around the seashore. "I was diagnosed with insomnia, and depression. Insomnia has been a thing for me long before, but since both of my parents died, I've been diagnosed with depression and I'm currently on prescription medication. Sometimes I also get panic attacks, and not even my meds could calm me down."

"I'm sorry about your parents. We all know they're both in heaven praying for you. They're your angels." Unique smiled, "Yeah. They are, but sometimes I wish the car didn't crash, you know? Because it all started with my mom and dad arguing in the car whilst my dad was driving. Then the car flipped around. Both of them were dead and I was only one who survived, then shit happened. This hotel was owned by them, and since they died, I became the owner of this place, that's why I live here. Plus our house got sold so I really had no place to stay in." Unique nodded, "How come you're so open about your parents' death?" Blaster shrugged, "Maybe because almost everyone in Hawaii knows about it? It landed on the news and everywhere. Ever since that happening, we had less guests in this place. They said this place was abandoned and haunted but to be really honest, it isn't. But it's okay, tourists who are clueless about my parents' death still stay here, like you."

Blaster stopped walking and faced the sunset, Unique did the same thing. "The sunset never fails to fascinate me. Each sunset is different from the other, and that's what makes it beautiful." Unique looks at Blaster who was fascinated by the sunset once again, "How about sunrises?" Unique asked. "I never got to see them, and the sunrise is on the other side of the resort, and it doesn't rise here. Besides, sunsets make each day enjoyable and mesmerizing, and that keeps me going."

Blaster took a deep breath, "I know they call me crazy here because of my condition, but thank you, Unique. Thank you for being my friend."

"To be honest, you don't need to thank me! Actually, it's nice to have a nice friend around that you can talk to. It's no biggie." Unique smiled, gently glancing on Blaster then looking away―cause he was expecting a stare back from Blaster, but Blaster was too slow too look back―looking back when Unique wasn't staring at him anymore.

Blaster's eyes were fixed on Unique's eyes and lips―mainly because they were so full, or maybe because it was coloured nicely, looking soft and plump like it always was. Blaster liked how subtly pink Unique's lips were. They were something Blaster can't keep his eye off―but he looked away, once he noticed Unique looking back.

Unique was a beautiful man―and so is Blaster, but they're different people with different stories. Unique's a full book with a finished trilogy―passed and published, pages full. But Blaster was just like a scrapped page, ripped off, ink empty―discontinued.

what happens in hawaii, stays in hawaii • blasniqueWhere stories live. Discover now