so hi

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Hello everyone,
    I'm glad to say that I am back. I've realized alot about writing while gone. I did write some stuff while gone. But I surprisingly didn't write any outsiders stuff. So I'm sad to say but I think I'm not as in love with the outsiders. I still love them dearly just not the thinking 24/7 about them anymore. And my writing style has changed a little while I was gone and you can kind of tell twords the end of my imagine book. But I've gotten into longer writing. Like books and not so much imagines. I still do love a good imagine. So i think I'm probably not going to be as strick with myself on doing so many imagines. I'm also not gonna open up request right away. Oh and if you  wanna read my books I  have some on here and some on wowitsjo I kind of wanna ease back into this. And I have alot to post from when I was gone. I just read some of my messages from when I was gone and you guys are the sweetest. So thanks for reading, God bless.


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