6: two-bits

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I lay there on the couch starring at the roof waiting for someone to save me. I had off from school today and the gang all had plans with others or eachother. I was hoping someone would show up or call and see if I wanted to hang out. After what felt like years of waiting I heard the phone ring.

"hello," I ask almost out of breath from running over "Charlie! I haven't seen you in so long." I was to excited to notice his slurred words.
"do you want to come over," this time you noticed it. And you knew better then to say no to a drunk charlie. "yeah I'll be right over. " your grabbed you coat and shoes and headed to his house. You were nervous to see him, yes he was your boyfriend but you haven't seen him in a while. Then you remembered his drunken state. When he was drunk he's only ever hit you once before. And you managed for none of the gang to find out.

You opened the door to find him on the couch watching TV. You plopped down next to him, "so what are we watching."
"a movie," he answered shortly.
"ok well do you have popcorn"
"yeah in the cabinet," he sounded so angry,  " and grab me another beer. " You made popcorn and grabbed Charlie a few beers to save your self some trips.

Suddenly Charlie was acting very flirty. "come here (y/n) I have something to show you." You followed but you were afraid. You sat on the edge of the bed when he started asking you questions. One's you weren't even sure of there were answers to. Every time you got one wrong he would hit you. Pretty soon you were on the floor, Charlie yelling nasty things at you and beating you up. This was worst then when you got jumped and you wouldn't be able to hide this from the boys.

Not soon enough Charlie stopped and went for a shower. You were so weak you couldn't move to leave or call someone. But when Charlie got out of the shower he looked at you with pure lust in his eyes. He picked you up and thew you on the bed. Hurting your back from when he threw you into the door knob. He kissed you but you didn't kiss back.  " kiss me back or I'll hurt you worse then ever," you kissed him back in fear of what he might do. He tried to get at your pants and struggled for bit but eventually got it. By then you had fallen asleep you were so weak.

When you woke up your whole body hurt. Charlie was asleep next to you. You as quickly as possible put your pants on and ran out of there. Well not run more like a limp.

You went to the first place where no one would be. The park, but sure enough the gang was there playing football. You did your best to climb the closest tree so they wouldn't see you. This was the only safe place you knew, you got beat at home too.

About an hour rolls by and the boys leave. Once your sure they're gone you hop out of the tree. You sat there and just cried. Then you herd something move behind you. You tried your best to hold back any sobs and grabbed your blade. "(y/n) is that you?" You looked up to see if it really was two. And it was, great no one in the gang has ever seen you cry and now two-bitis here and your bawling. "are you ok, I ain't ever seen you cry before," his voice changes to more serious and claiming then his normal voice. You can't answer you just let the sobs come out. He sits down next to you.

"look you don't have to tell me what happened but I would love if you did." You couldn't hold it in any longer.
"Charlie beats me!" You yelled it so loud you thought the gang could probably hear it from the house. "oh (y/n)," he wraps his arms around you but you wince in pain, "how  long"
"whenever he's drunk, but that doesn't change anything cause my parents beat me too."
"come with me."
"where," you couldn't think of anywhere he could be taking you.
"to darry he can fix you cuts and stuff."
"no! No one can see me crying like this."
"(y/n) do you think I wanted the gang to see me cry the first time they did." by this time you were at the house. You walked in and everyone stared at you.

"where's darry pony."
"in the bathroom why what happened." You looked at everyone's face and saw pity that's why you hated people seeing you cry. Darry came out and fixes you up and let you have the whole couch. "darry can I spend the night."
"of course anytime you need to," two told then the whole story how Charlie and your parents beat you. All there faces were clenched and anger covered the faces you knew. Before you knew it they all were running out of the house leaving you by yourself. You knew exactly where they were going. They were going to get Charlie back for this and you didn't object. Only the brothers and two came back in that night.

"don't worry (y/n) that kid learned his lesson."  two sat next to you in the couch. You put your head in his shoulder and sooner then you expected you were asleep.

You woke up about half an hour later. The boys had all gone to bed and it was just you and two-bits. "I never did thank you two so...  Thanks."
"for what," he asked.
"for helping me." your faces were so close you could feel him breathing. And just like that his lips were on yours and you kissed him back. "I'm sorry....I didn't mean to be rude... Sorry." You couldn't help but laugh at how awkward he sounded. And then you kisses him again, " I suppose it's ok." after you pulled away you saw that two was blushing. "is keith Matthews blushing. "

He looked down, "(y/n) will you be my girl." he said it so fast it took a minute to catch on to what he said. "two you don't know how long I've waites for you to say that."

And the rest is history.

I hope you guys like it. I took it from mixing a bunch of my favorite imagines so this one is definitely my favorite. Request are open thanks for reading. God bless.

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