71: Steve part 1

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Your POV

I laid in my bed but I couldn't sleep. Next door they were always loud but it sounded like fun. I never did mind. I had to work from 5-11 at the bakery and then I got and hour lunch and worked 12-6 cleaning in an office building. So when I'm home I'm normally sleeping. I don't know if anyone knows I live here actually. But eventually I feel asleep.


Steve's POV

"Hey does anyone live in that house next door," two asked.

"I don't think so." Darry said

"I thought I saw someone walk in there the other day. She looked pretty young to be living by herself." Pony said.

"Hmm " I said to myself wondering who she was.


Your POV

My eyes opened to the bright light of the morning. "Oh no. Oh no!" I said to myself. I checked the clock. It was 7:10 I was already 2 hours late. I rushed through my morning routine and then put on my uniform. I ran out of the house just as three boys were getting into a truck next door. I smiled and waved politely at them.

I continued down the street on my way to work. The truck pulled up next to me and came to a stop. "Do you want a ride," one of the boys in the bed said.

"Oh no it's probably out of your way." I said.

"Where are you headed." The one driving said.

"To the bakery. I'm already late anyway."

"Well if your late driving is faster." The same one in the back said.

"Oh alright." I gave in. He gave me his hand and helped me up into the bed.

"I never got your names," I said.

"I'm Steve this here is soda and the one driving is Darry."

"I'm (y/n) it's nice to meet y'all."

"Same here. So how come we never see you." Steve asked.

"Oh I'm constantly working."

"Just like you Darry," soda said leaning in the back window.

"Yeah." He said.

"So how long do you work." Steve asked.

"Steve you can't just interview random people," soda said.

"It's fine," I chuckled, "I work at the bakery in the morning and then take lunch and head to an office to clean. I normally don't get home until 7 so I'm not really home." I said.

"Dang you got Darry beat," Steve said.

"I do?" I laughed a bit.

"Yeah I mean he works a lot but not that much." Steve said again. I liked this Steve guy we seemed to click, he was fun.

"Well we're here," Darry said.

"Well thanks for taking me," I said jumping out if the back.

"We'll see you around?" Steve called.

"Yeah I'll see you around." I said.

Steve winked at me and I blushed and went into work.


I walked into the back and clocked in. "And where were you today Ms. (Y/l/n)." My boss said.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Smith I over slept. I'm really sorry." I said.

"Don't let it happen again." She said walking away.

"I won't." I said tying my apron around me.

I walked out to the counters to help the other girl Lizzy.

"So who were the hunks that dropped you off?" She asked.

"No one, just my neighbors." I said smiling to myself.

"Don't lie I saw that boy wink at you." She teased.

"Lizzy he was no one." I blushed.

"What's his name?" She asked nudging me.

"Steve." I said. I couldn't help but smile I felt like a little girl again.

"Steve, like Steve randle." She said shocked.

"I don't know I didn't ask them their full names."

"Oh my God (y/n) If it's him you guys would be so cute together." She squealed.

"Lizzy stop it." I said, "hi, how can I help you." I said to a woman coming to the counters.


My shift was over and I grabbed some to go from DQ.

I ate it as I walked to the office to start cleaning, yay. Note the sarcasm, I hate cleaning up in the office. It's all socs that work there other then the cleaning staff.

"Hey Sophi." I said walking into the janitor closet.

"Hey (y/n), what's got you in a good mood?" She asked.

"Oh nothing big. I just met someone today." I said smiling again.

"What, like are you guys dating."

"No Sophi we only just met."

"Well do you think your going to date him?" She asked

"I don't know, I mean he's cute, and so far he was nice."

"Be careful (y/n/n). You know they say girls fall for people like their fathers." She said.

"I know I'll be careful." I said thinking about my parents. My dad's was an alcoholic and my mother was always high. They'd fight like cats and dogs and then blame me for it. When they finally got divorced they thought I was old enough to live by myself, I'm 17. So my grandma found me a house and put it in her name. Because I'm not actually old enough. And now I live there paying my grandma who pays the bank for my mortgage.


My shift was finally over and I started to walk home. I wasn't very far from home when I  saw headlights shinning. This is never good it's probably socs. I closed my eyes and kept walking. Maybe if I ignore them they won't come after me. "What's a pretty thing like you doing out here by your self." One said. I didn't answer and kept walking. "Oh she's  stubborn. Just how I like them." The car came to a stop and so did I.

I looked around for someone to help me. But no one, I was to tired for this. One pinned my arms behind my back and then I was on the ground. I was exhausted I couldn't fight back.

"P-please stop." I said.

"Ha that just makes me want to hit you more." He punched me in the face and then my jaw. I let out a scream praying someone would hear me. Then everything went black.


Hey guys I hope you like this one. I've been thinking of a lot of two part imagines and I don't know why. But I think they're fun. Don't forget to vote, request are open. Thanks for reading, God bless.

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