78: gang

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For -greaser

Your POV

"I'll be back soon Spencer," I said peting my black lab as I left the house. He nusled his head onto my legs. "Spencer I won't be that long. Be good for Mommy. Ok?" I said as I stopped peting him.

I closed the door behind me and walked to the dingo where I was going to meet the gang. I just got Spencer a few days ago and none of the gang knows him. But I'm sure they would love to meet him. I mean who wouldn't love a dog. Plus I think pony and Soda would really love him, maybe even Steve.

I pushed the door open to the dingo taking a look around I found two-bit, Darry, and soda sitting at a table with a bunch of empty chairs. "Hey guys," I said sitting down.

"Hey (y/n)," they greeted. It wasn't to long before the rest of the gang showed up.

We all got burgers and we shared a big basket of fries. We were messing with the waitress all having a ball. But at some points she looks so done with us, that's the only time I felt bad.

"So what are we doing after this?" Dally asked shoving fries into his mouth.

"We should just lay low, you know just hang." Soda suggest.

"Yeah maybe watch a movie," two-bit added.

"Do you guys want to come over. It's been a while since yall have been by." I responded.

"Yeah let's go to (y/n)'s she's got the best couch." Pony cheered.

"Hey little man what's wrong with our couch?" Darry asked.

"Nothing man it-" pony was cut off.

"(Y/n)'s has more of a squish to it. Ya sink in better," Steve answered.

"I have to tell you guys something. I do have a new addition to my house so be prepared." I said, this was going to be a great surprise.

"Did you have a kid or something," Johnny asked meekly.

"No Johnny, but I want to keep it a surprise so no more guesses." I said.

We finished up eating and then started to my house. When we got there I stood in front of the door ready to give a speech. "Alright so before you say anything his name is Spencer." I said turning around to unlock the door.

"You don't have a boyfriend do you (y/n)?" Dally asked.

"No I don't," I opened the door and Spencer immediately jummped on me. "Hello baby," I said peting his head, "be careful coming in don't let him out." I said walking in. The boys all stood there frozen in time. "What you guys like dogs don't you?" I said holding Spencer's collar so he wouldn't run.

"I'm going first," pony yelled running in. "Hello boy." Pony said rubbing his back. Spencer seemed to really like ponyboy he was breathing heavy from being so excited.

"This is amazing," soda yelled walking in. Steve followed close behind him and they rustled around with him.

Darry stood in the doorway as Spencer shoved himself into him. "Does that feel good," he said scratching his back.

Two kneeled down to Spencer's hight. He scratched his back until he rolled over. Then scratched his stomach.

Dally came next, "so you got a dog?" He asked putting his hands on his pocket. "Oh come on Dally don't tell me your scared of him." I said mocking him.

"I ain't scared of him," he said taking his hands out. He rubbed Spencer's head in between his ears. I laughed as Dally walked in. I looked out and Johnny was still standing there. I walked down and put my hand out to him. "Come on Johnny he won't hurt you." I said in a soft tone. He took a deep breath and put his hand in mine.  "Spencer this is Johnny, Johnny this is Spencer." I said.

He reached his hand out hesitantly. Spencer sniffed his hand then licked it.

We we're all finally inside. Steve was on the floor playing tug of war with Spencer. Soda, pony, and two sat around watching. Pony and two-bit we're cheering for Spencer and soda cheering for Steve. I laughed at them and sat on the couch with others.

"Isn't her couch better Dar," Dally said.

"Yeah, maybe." He said crossing his arms.

"It's ok Darry I like your house better then mine." I said trying to make him feel better.

We turned the movie on and the rest of the the boys came in. We all snuggled up in blankets and got comfortable. I looked for Spencer and saw him curled up at Darry's feet. I smiled to myself before giving my attention back to the movie.


Hey guys I hope you liked this one. I know it's not like my normal imagines but I think it's really cute. Don't forget to vote, request are open. Thanks for reading, God bless.

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