70: darry

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Your POV

I laid down on the couch and pulled the ballet off the back covering myself.

"What are you doin" soda asked.

"I'm trying to take a nap." I said.

"Why?" He asked again.

"Because you boys give me a run for my money. It's not easy watching out for y'all all day." I pulled the blanket up over my shoulders and flipped onto my stomach.

"We can't be that bad." He said.

"Oh you can." I finally got comfortable when someone sat on me.

"Ow who is this," I said opening my eyes.

"Hi (y/n)" Steve said looking down at me.

"Steve please get off me I can't breathe." I said trying to get him off.

"Sorry I can't do the your in my spot."

"Steve," I whined.

"What's going on out there," darry said walking in to the living room.

"Steve won't get off me.", "She's in my spot," we said at the same time.

"Steve get off her. Your crushing the poor girls insides." He said. Steve got off me and I could finally breathe.

"Thanks Darry." I said.

"No problem."

I put my head back down and closed my eyes.

"Oh look at this." I heard two say walking into the room. And then I felt his hands tickling the pit of my neck.

"Two stop." I said between fits of laughter.

"Say uncle." He said using one hand to tickle my side.

"No." I said laughing.

He continued to tickle me until my skin turned red.

"Why are you trying to nap here anyways." He said.

"Because I can't fall asleep in the quiet." I said as he gave me a break.

"That's weird." He said hopping back on me and wrestling me to the floor.

We wrestled for a while and the boys just walked around us.

Darry came out of the kitchen, "two give her a break she just wants to sleep."

"Yeah two give me a break."

"Fine." He said getting off me.

"Thanks. Again." I said getting up and walking over to Darry.

"What don't you go lay down in my room." He said patting my back.

"Oh Darry I couldn't do that. Plus I always feel bad when I'm asleep anyway. I feel like I could be doing something better with my time." I said.

"(Y/n) seriously." He said smiling at me. God that smile, it makes my knees weak but I would never tell him or anyone.

"Oh alright if your forcing me to," I said sarcastically.

"Oh go on. You deserve it." He said.

I walked into his room and looked around. I've never been in here, I don't think anyone in the gang has. It was emptier then I expected but I didn't know what I did expect. I pulled the covers back and laid down. His bed was extremely comfortable. I don't know how he gets out if it in the morning.

I thought of the likelihood of a relationship between us. It wasn't very likely, Darry's always at work and I'm always making sure the boys don't kill themselves. Especially soda and Steve, you should hear the crazy things they come up with. Man if they didn't have me and Darry speaking some sense into their minds they'd be dead or in jail.

I snuggled up in the blankets they smelled just like Darry. And that out me to sleep quicker than anything could.


Darry's POV

I was in the kitchen making dinner wandering what (y/n) thought of me. I've liked her for a while now but I haven't told her. I guess we just always balanced each other out. We we're the mother and father figure to the gang. But I doubt she likes me, she's probably got her heart set on some handsome soc.


I served dinner for the whole gang. None of them planned on staying for dinner but they all did. After we watched a movie. Well they all did I sat at the table doing bills. There wasn't much money left over this week only 20 dollars if we wanted to do anything fun. At least we we're making ends meet and we weren't stuck in a street somewhere or the boys in a home somewhere.

I checked my watch, 11, I should get these boys out of here. I walked into the living room, "alright guys wrap it we all have work tomorrow, and the rest of Yas got school." They all moaned and muttered about me crashing their party but they would thank me in the morning for it.

I cleaned up from dinner and cleaned up the house a bit before I went up to bed. I walked in my room and saw (y/n) asleep in my bed. I forgot she was up here. But it was too late I couldn't send her home now. She'd get jumped, I could offer to drive. But then I wouldn't be in bed until at least 12. I guess I'll just let her sleep.

I got changed and laid down on the other side of the bed. There wasn't much room because it was a full bed. I pulled the covers back and when I sat on the side of the bed it made a loud creak.


Your POV

I was asleep when a loud creak coming from the bed that woke me up.

"Darry?" I said.

"It's ok (y/n) just go back to bed." He said.

"I should go. What time is it?" I asked.

"It's 11, but I'm not letting you go home now. Just lay back down and go to sleep."

"I'm sorry Darry." I said yawning.

"For what."

"Stealing your bed." I said half awake.

"It's fine come here." He said.

I curled up into him and laid my head on his chest.

"Oh (y/n) I love you." He said. He must have thought I was asleep.

"I love you too Darry."

"What? (y/n) I thought you were alseep."

"It's fine Darry."

"But I mean I love you. Like more then a friend."

"I know and I said I love you too."


"Yeah?" I said sturgling to stay awake.

"Be my girl?"

"I'd like that Darry."

He leaned down and kissed my head." Goodnight princess."

"Goodnight superman." I said finally falling asleep.


Guys this was so cute. Ok maybe it's just me but I love imagines like this. Don't forget to vote, request are open. Oh and do you guys like when I put (y/n) or an actual name there. Thanks for reading, God bless.

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