11: gang

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It was December 23 and you were making cookies like crazy. You were in the middle of putting a cookie on the sheet when the telephone rang. "hello," you answered cheerily with Christmas music in the background. "hey (y/n) where you been, we haven't seen you all day," the voice said.
"oh hey soda. I'm just at home making cookies."
"what kind of cookies....."
"well I have peanut butter ones done and I'm working on chocolate chip."
"guys she's making cookies," you heard cheers in the background. You couldn't help but laugh.
"we'll been over in a few,"soda said and hung up. "haha ok," you said to no one on the other end.

You were in the kitchen singing Christmas songs. "run run Rudolph Santa's gotta make it to town," you sang as you baked. You heard the door open, "I SMELL COOKIES," two-bit yelled. "haha hey guys," you said hugging each of them. "so where are the cookies," Dally asked as he hugged you. "in the kitchen. You guys are two funny," you answered. "You look awfully festive,"darry said you were wearing a Christmas apron he got you for Christmas last year. "hey soda," you said hugging him last. "hey little Mrs. Baker," he said teasing you.

"I didn't see pony and johnny," You said as you turned around. When you were fully turned around you saw their heads peak up from the bowl of dough. "Boys! That's for the cookies," you yelled as you ran towards them. But you weren't fast enough the ran past you and out of the house with two spoons each of cookie dough. "damn kids," you said. You turned around and all the rest of the gang was eating cookie dough. You just stood there with your arms crossed until they noticed. And it was like someone told them you were standing there because all at once they looked up slowly at you. "we're sorry (y/n)," steve said through a mouth full of cookie dough. Then pony and Johnny came back in the house panting and laughing. "No it's fine I just won't make cookies any more," you untied your apron and sat down on the couch. "No no! We're sorry, we won't do it again we swear," they all yelled variations of.
"fine but there must be a punishment, hmmmm......,  oh I know. Your gonna be my little helpers."

Then they all went back in the kitchen and each one had a certain job. Johnny and pony were your runners, darry did the beating, dally did the measuring, two-bit was incharge of making sure the cookies were cooked all the way, soda setting the timer, and steve putting the cookies on the cooling rack. You just sat back and gave direction and help when they couldn't seem to figure something out.

"darry these taste awful what did you do to them," two-bit said. "nothing I just mixed what dal gave me," he replied. "hey don't blame this on me I'm just following the recipe," dally yelled over. "well Keith in order for you to know that you would have had to taste them," you said.  "(y/n) wait now I have seen steve eat about four cookies already and you haven't yelled at him," he answered defensively.
"well now I didn't see that steve, is it true."
"NO! Why would you say that two," steve tackled two-bit to the ground. The room erupted in laughter. It was a few minutes before everyone stopped laughing. "alright boys lay off," darry said and the boys rolled off eachother looking for air. After that you decided you would finish this batch and not do anymore. The cookies were actually really good. You were surprised.

Hey guys I hope you like this one. I was writing it as I was making cookies. Request are open and suggested. Make sure you check out my Steve fanfic I'll probably be putting a part up there in the next few days since I'm on break. Also after I publish this I'm gonna get started on a confession of and outsiders fangirl/ random outsiders stuff book. So lookout for that. Also I'm posting questions on my page so go check those out and answer them, that's kind of fun. And yeah thanks for reading God bless.

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