I huffed. He sounded like he was already getting impatient. "Guy, I did not tell you to come and pick me up from the bus stop o. So, if you want to get on someone's nerves, not me."

He stared at me then chuckled. "I always knew you are a hand full. Come on, sweet. I didn't mean to get on your nerves."

I didn't budge.

"Okay, you can get in or I will come out and throw you in myself. Take your pick."

I scoffed. "Are you serious?"

He sighed and turned to open his door and I jumped from where I stood to rush to the other side of his door. He grinned when I gave him a death stare.

I can't believe he was actually going to carry me to his car in broad daylight. It was then that I figured that I should have waited to see how he would even try that move on my without having guys tag him a kidnapper.

"I was going to do that, you know."
He said while pulling into the main road.

I glanced at him. "Really? And what will you say to people. I'm beginning to think you are a psycho."

He grinned at me. "You don't know me, then. If I am a psycho, then what do you call the Jacobs?"

I turned to him. "They're fun. And reasonable."

He laughed. "Reasonable? Have you met them?" He said and shook his head.

I was silent for a while. I wanted to ask him a bit about them but I decided against it. I wasn't even so close to Lucas that much and as it is, I still don't like him yet.

"You didn't come to the last party at Derrick's."

He smirked and glanced at me. "Why? Did you miss me?"

"Eww. I only said that because it was peaceful thank you for the sense to be absent."
I said and he laughed.

"God, I like you, Melanie. You're good. Very funny. So, Derrick took you to his house? Damn, he is fast. Didn't think he would pull that off. But he is Derrick Jacob, isn't he?"

I looked at him. What are we talking about again?


"Never mind. What are you..."

"No, I do mind." I cut in. "I can't have all of you talking about me like this and then tell me never mind. It is frustrating. First of all, AJ says something, then she cuts off like she didn't know when she said it. Then Jenna said something and then leaves me thinking she's a mad bitch. Then Jamal said something, making me cringe all over and now you?"

Lucas chuckled. "What did AJ say? I told you to stay away from her. She's not your league."

"She's my friend."
I pointed out.

"You don't know your friends, then. How did you meet her again?"

I thought over it and shrugged. "Just during lectures. Nothing exciting there."

He chuckled again. "During lectures. Right. Very cliché way to meet a friend."

"What's your deal, Lucas? Why do you keep talking about them like that? I mean, if her brothers stole your babe, all you have to do is tell them and solve it."
I said, rolling my eyes.

He laughed. "But there's no fun in that. Their babes are mine for the taking too. It's how it is done."

I winced at the sound of that. I turned to talk to him again and my eyes landed on right arm. I stared at the familiar tattoo there which I had clearly seen before on...Who? I sat still trying to remember where I saw that tattoo and then I got it.

GAMES BY DIM LIGHT || Mature ||Where stories live. Discover now