The boy looking in.

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Here it is people who care! I'm gonna try to upload every three days, so no more ridiculous procrastination :D I was listening to Akira Yamaoka while writing this chapter <3 Oh, I am such a Silent Hill fan geek.



            I was going insane.




            Twelve-year-old me didn't understand how she got into the position she was in, or why she was being tortured like this. What could she have done that was so bad that they did this to her? Why?




            Same question every time.


            I was inside a glass cage of sorts, in the dark. It was filled with water, and I was attached to some sort of breathing apparatus. I was chained up, as well. I couldn't even feel my own fingers...No sense of smell, no touch, no hearing, no tasting, and especially no sight. Just my own thoughts.


            It was driving me insane.


            I hadn't eaten anything in days, hadn't seen anything in days, hadn't heard anything in days other than my own thoughts and the water swirling around me.


            I was being tortured and I didn't know why at all.


            I only knew that when I woke up, my family was gone, and I was alone.

But I know that hadn't been a dream. It couldn't have been. My skin was still wrinkly, I was still hungry, thirsty, the little bit of light from the doorway was like staring at the sun, and every sound echoed in my ears.


            For once I didn't even have any thoughts.




            So, during the years after, I slowly had gotten back to normal, at least on the outside. I was talking like I used to, it was like nothing had happened. It was gnawing my insides away. Every time I saw water, I cringed, but no one noticed. If they did, they didn't care.


            So I was sent from foster home to foster home, being rejected and sent away again. But for some reason, they never took me out of the same school, of which I was thankful for. 

Finally, on my fifteenth birthday I was given the option to find a place to live by myself. So I found a cheap one room studio apartment, got a job, and started living on my own.


            That was sixth months ago.


            Right now, I was being put through some unbearable torture I could barely stand.


            I was being shoved into the school pool.


            I always got the excuse to get out of swimming, or anything in school involving water. But right now...there was no one to help me.


            The group of kids stood around, laughing at me as I slowly sunk deeper in the water, still from reliving something I never wanted to. The sad part was, they didn't even know how much this was affecting me.


            They meant for it to be a harmless joke.


            Well, it wasn't.


            I couldn't even scream out loud at what I was seeing, I couldn't move. I was in glass cage again. Except I could see this time.....I could see a small boy.


            Looking in through the glass cage at me.


            It was starting to get darker and darker...and the boy was disappearing from my vision slowly. He was holding something.


            A black rose.


            That was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.


            Tell me if I should continue this or not!

I didn't put out too much information about Ms. Main Character except she was a girl: D If I get enough comments, I'll upload the first chapter tonight! I got the idea of the torture from my English teacher a few days ago...Yeah...don't ask. : P

The Boy Looking In.  (On Hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें