6. 10 long years (Tw: violence)

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Namjoon's mouth was dry. The room had a metallic smell about it. It was a faint smell but strong enough that it was noticeable. The walls had faded red stains of them as if someone had attempted to clean them.
"What do you want from us?"
"I want you to help me. I've been so lonely. Ten years I have been trapped on this land. You and your friends are the first people to live here since I died."
Namjoon felt pity for the boy. He didn't seem to want to hurt them and he was clearly just lonely.
"I'm sorry for scaring your friends and nearly injuring one of them. I never meant to upset anyone. I just needed someone to know I was here."
"It's okay. We just want to know what happened to you. I know the others feel uneasy about this place but if you're not here to hurt us then I'm sure we can help you."
"Thank you. It's been so long since anyone has shown me kindness."
The boy teared up.
"You want to know what happened to me, don't you? Allow me to show you."
The boy put his fingers to Namjoon's head and he gasped.

Namjoon stood in the basement, though it had changed. The walls were plain and the metallic scent had disappeared. The room was dark and Namjoon could not see the boy anywhere.

The hatch to the basement opened up and light began streaming in. The boy he believed to be Y/n was thrown down the hatch, quickly followed by a man much older than him. He pleaded for the man not to hurt him but the plea fell on deaf ears. For what seemed like years, the boy was brutally maimed. Namjoon stared on in pure horror as the boy bled out on the floor.
"Please, let me-"
The boy was cut off by the man pouring something over him and then a match being lit.
"Oh my god."
Knowing that they couldn't hear him, Namjoon began to cry. The scene he had just witnessed was horrifying and as the flames consumed the boy, he could do nothing but watch on in fear. The man who had burned the boy seemed to have a moment of clarity.
"Oh god what have I done? What have I done?"
He fell to the floor and began to sob. Then something in the corner of the room caught his eye. He walked over to the object and picked up.

Namjoon gasped for air as he came back to the real world. The boy stood over him.
"Now you know. Us ghosts are only here because of a traumatic experience. The only way we can pass on is if our body is burned since it's the only thing tying us to this plain of existence. However, some of us have no body to burn. There is nothing left of us and yet we're still here, stuck suffering."
The boy began to cry.
"I want to be free. I want to leave this place and be able to pass on peacefully. I can't though. There is nothing tying me here but for some reason I just can't move on."
"How can we help you? I didn't even know that ghosts existed until I saw you. What can we do to help you?"
"I need you to help set me free. That's all I ask of you."
Namjoon nodded.
Jin yelled, shining a light down the hatch. He gasped as he saw the ghostly boy.
"Stay away from him!"
"Relax Jin! He's not going to hurt us! Listen to me before you do anything."
Behind Jin we're the other five boys, all ready to save Namjoon from what they thought was an evil spirit.

Namjoon and Y/n climbed out of the basement and they all went inside to talk.
"So, you're Y/n?"
"Yes I am. I would like to apologise for any distress I may have caused. My intention was never to hurt any of you. I just wanted someone to help me."
"Why didn't you just appear to us straight away then?"
"Would you really have stayed here if you saw me on your first night? I seriously doubt you would have."
Tae stared at the ghost boy.
"You wanted us to figure out who you were before you appeared didn't you? If we knew who you were then we wouldn't instantly run away screaming."
The boy nodded.
"I needed you to understand that I was never there to hurt you. It's hard not to come off as creepy when you're a ghost you know."
Tae chuckled at the boy.
"I guess so."
"How can we help you then? What do we need to do?"
"I'm afraid that's the problem. I want to pass on but as I explained to Namjoon, I have no physical tie to this world. My body has been burned and there is no object that I am attached to that could be causing me to stay here. I have no idea how you could help me pass on but there must be some way for me to be freed."
"We could google it."
Yoongi chimed in.
"Yeah cause that's something google will know, how to help a ghost pass on."
Jungkook sarcastically remarked.
"Well what else can we do? What else would know how to help a ghost?"
"I think I have an idea."
All eyes were on Hobi.
"When we were in town the other day, we went past a shop. I'm not entirely sure what the shop was for but judging by the crystal ball in the window, I think it might be a psychic shop. They might know something about ghosts."
Jungkook laughed at him.
"You think that some phoney psychic who probably reads tarot cards knows how to help Y/n pass on? Psychics aren't real, they're just there to con people out of money Hyung."
"Well if you have a better idea Kookie, why don't you say it."
"Let's face it, none of us know how to help. We all want to but as far as ghosts are concerned, we didn't even believe they existed until we met Y/n. I don't think we can help, that's all I'm saying."
"We don't know if we don't try! Come on Kook, we can't just leave him stuck here for the rest of eternity. I think the psychic shop is worth a try."
Namjoon nodded along to what Jimin was saying.
"I agree with Jimin and Hobi, we need to at least try. If you want, you can stay here with Y/n tomorrow when we all go."
"Fine. Don't blame me when you're lied to and they steal your money."
Jungkook grumbled. It's not like he didn't want to help. He was just too afraid to admit that he felt awful for what happened to the boy and worried that none of them would be able to do anything for him.

They all talked for hours, getting to know the ghostly boy. He was only twenty years old but wise beyond his years. Yoongi particularly enjoyed his company. They both played piano and when that became the topic of conversation, they instantly felt connected.

Then it came time for the boys to go to bed.
"Feel free to put the tv on and watch whatever you want. I don't know if ghosts sleep or not but I'm guessing they don't."
Yoongi stated. He was the last to go to bed out of the group.
"Thank you Yoongi. Everything you have done for me means the world."
He smiled
"Don't worry about it. Will you still be visible in the morning?"
"Yes, I'm able to hold my visibility for a few weeks before I have to regain my energy."
Yoongi nodded and wished the boy a good night, leaving the ghost alone once again.

Ghost boy (BTS x Male reader) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz