4. Sketchbooks and the attic hatch

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Jimin opened the door and the humming abruptly stopped. They all gazed in amazement. The room was strange. On the right side of the room there was a desk. It was covered in paper, pencils and sketchbooks. One look at some of the finished pieces on the desk showed that whoever drew them was incredibly skilled.

Jungkook walked over and carefully looked through the sketchbook. Each page had amazing illustrations on them. The sketchbook was monochromatic and each sketch must have been done with graphite or charcoal. Jungkook got about half way through the book, stopping when he came to the last sketch. It was of a boy. They were sat under a cherry blossom tree, gazing off into the sky.

Jungkook glanced over to the back wall and noticed a wooden panel. With help from Hoseok, they removed the panel and gazed out of a large glass window. While time had changed many things, they did notice a cherry blossom tree. It's branches blew in the wind, thrashing around violently.
"So they must have been looking out of their window when they drew that."
Jimin went over to the sketchbook again and checked the other side of the page.
"Kim Daehyun 2009, this was drawn ten years ago!"
Jin walked over to Jimin and stood by the desk.
"There's a letter here."
He said as he picked up an envelope. It had the same name they had saw in sketchbook and an address.
"That's not far from here, I saw it when we were driving back. Maybe they still live there. We could ask them about all this stuff."
"Maybe. It has been ten years though, who knows if this guy is still there. Jin, maybe you should read the letter. It might give us some idea of who this person was."
Jin nodded at Namjoon and began to read.
"To my dear Dae, I have not been able to see you for months and for that I apologise. If I was aloud to leave here I would, just to see you smile. I hope to see you soon. I know you sit outside my window in the hopes that I will climb out and we can be together. Unfortunately, fate has different plans for us. Until I see you next, L/n Y/n."
The boys all glanced at each other.
"So this was Y/n's room. And he was in love with this Daehyun guy. If he still lives at that address we can go talk to him when the storm subsides. Hopefully he might have some answers for us."
"Maybe we should leave. We've found out some stuff so maybe now we can-"
Taehyung was cut off by a loud crash. Jimin fell to the floor. What seemed to be an attic door had opened up above Jimin's head. The ladder had fallen down and hit Jimin in the back.

"I'm fine, don't worry."
Jimin smiled half heartedly.
"What do we do now?"
"Go up there of course. Whatever is in this house wants us to go up there so we have three or four of us go up and some of us stay down in order to stay safe."
Everyone stared at Yoongi like he was crazy.
"Or, we have two go up, two stay down and the rest of us go to the address on the letter and hope that the guy still lives there."
"I think that's all we can do. If we want to get to the bottom of this, we have to go up there. We'll decide who goes up there in the morning. For now, let's lock this door, keep the key safe and go to sleep."
Namjoon concluded.

Yoongi kept hold of the key that night. Though he tried to sleep, the familiar sound of a piano accompanied by a soft hum kept him awake all night.

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