2. The piano

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It had been a week since they had moved in and for the most part, things were going smoothly. Something was bothering Yoongi however. The humming. It sounded like a song. He didn't know what song it was but it certainly wasn't just an appliance making that noise, of that Yoongi was certain. The sound was always loudest in his room and he wondered if maybe there was something in the locked room that was making that sound.

Jin had ordered them pizza and put a movie on for all of the to watch. That's when Yoongi heard the humming again. While it was irritating, not knowing what was making the sound, Yoongi had to admit than in a way it was rather soothing.

The night went on and the all jokes around. Luckily Jin had brought some board games with him so they decided to play scrabble.
"No, Jimin, no. I refuse to let you add onto whom to make whom'st'd've. That is not a word you rat!"
Jungkook yelled at him.
"It is! Look it up."
Tae was cut off by Hobi.
"It's a contraction. If I remember correctly Jin did say that contractions were allowed."
"See! I can have it!"
Jin and Namjoon looked at each other, sighing.
"I regret every mentioning scrabble."
"Hey, at least it wasn't monopoly. You know that Kookie would've done what he did last time and stole money off Jimin while he wasn't looking."
Jimin gasped at Namjoon.
"You never told me he was stealing from me!"
"And he was paying Tae to keep quiet."
Hoseok chimed in. Yoongi stared at them all like they were idiots.
"Does it really matter?"
He said as he placed down all of his letters to make a word.

They all finished the game, Jimin smiling smugly after winning. Namjoon yawned.
"Maybe we should go to sleep."

Yoongi was wide awake. He just couldn't sleep though he was certain all of the others had fallen asleep hours earlier. That's when he heard a familiar tune.
"What the-"
It wasn't humming, it was the piano. It was the same sweet tune that usually calmed him but it was far from calming when it was being played on the piano. He knew that none of the others had payed enough notice to the humming to actually learn the tune. That left him with only one question, who the hell was playing the piano?

Leaving his room, he turned to go right down the hallway towards the piano. That's when he saw, well, he didn't see anything. He saw the keys being pressed but no one was sat there. His face paled and he froze there.
"Hyung I told you not to play..."
Taehyung stared at him. Yoongi wasn't sat at the piano yet it was stilling playing a song.
"What the hell?!"
Tae's yelling woke up the others who quickly ran out of their rooms to investigate. The song abruptly stopped.
"What are you yelling about? It's three in the morning!"
Tae and Yoongi glanced at each other in shock.
"The piano, it was playing itself!"
"That's ridiculous. You're just tired, go back to bed."
Jungkook groaned.
"No! It wasn't just Tae being tired. I saw it too. The song, it sounded just like that humming."
"Jungkook is right, both of you are just tired. You're probably just not used to the new house yet and your imagination is running wild."

The boys all left and went back to their rooms as Taehyung and Yoongi looked at each other.
"It was weird Hyung, it almost sounded like something was stuck inside the piano."
"Yeah, I heard it too, every time it played a g note."
"Yoongi, I'm not sure about this place anymore, something just feels weird."
"I know. Tomorrow I'll lift the lid off the back of the piano and I'll see if there's anything in there. Don't worry too much, I'm sure it's probably nothing."
Yoongi tried to reassure Tae and himself but they both knew something weird was going on in that house.

Ghost boy (BTS x Male reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ