30. I Love You

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The double date went awkwardly, not to mention drinks were constantly ordered and I had been trying to stay away from drinking because I knew I wanted nothing more then to get lost in it after Dakota broke the news to me. She was moving out. Henry's words really had struck a nerve and I knew I should listen to him about ending this cycle of pain, getting drunk and trying to ignore Dakota was doing nothing but effecting me in the end.

"I thought you loved drinking?" Mia's arm snaked around mine and pulled me from my thoughts. Her eyes were like a caramel brown, her hair practically the same color fell long and wavy down her shoulders. Her fingers were tracing small circles on the inside of my arm.

"I'm kinda over it now." I gave a convincing smile trying to pull my arm from her grasp. "Far too many nursed hang overs for my liking actually."

Mia was clingy and super flirty but not the kind that did it slyly, she was very in your face about it. Courtney kept smirking at me from across the table but she didn't understand I wasn't looking for a quick distraction anymore. Nothing and no one had compared to the feelings I had felt with Dakota, flirting, ranting, or even kissing. I don't know if I could continue this night without at least one.

I ordered a drink, then another, and before I knew it I had lost count of the amount of drinks I ordered and the amount of times I let Mia snake her arm around mine. She kept laying her head against my shoulder and whispering about how nice of a time this was, but all I could think about was this really a nice time? Was she someone I wanted to get involved with?

"This was a great time but I think I should bring Dani home now." I don't know where my mind was but Courtney had managed to pull me from wherever it had been only moments before. I looked at her from across the table, I could see the look that she was ready to leave, I nodded my head.

I pulled my arm from Mia's and slid my way out the booth. She gave me a small whine with puppy dog eyes before asking me if we could do this again. I fell into the seat of Courtney's car and I was soon home. I stumbled to the front door and fumbled with my keys before successfully opening the door.

"Dani? How was your-" I tripped over the small rug in front of our door and let out a giggle. I met with Dakota's silver eyes. "You're drunk right now?"

"I only had like one drink with dinner." I hiccuped and let out another soft giggle. "Maybe two." She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms at me now, she knew better then to believe I barely had anything to drink tonight.

"If that's the story you want to stick with." She dropped her arms as she walked off to her bedroom and shut the door, I felt the pang in my heart as I realized she had left me in the dark living room.

I shuffled my feet down the hall and stopped outside of her bedroom door. She was closing me out and that hurt worse more than anything, and it had been all my fault. Why did we share that kiss? It seemed like she had felt the same way when we did but now she's ready to move out with Hayley immediately afterwards.

"Kota." I called out for her and stood in silence. "Kota, I'm sorry I just-" I gulped down the dry lump in my throat and leant my head against her door. I listened for something, anything to let know that she was listening to me.

"I don't know what exactly is wrong, something is wrong with me. I tried not to drink tonight but I couldn't stop thinking about our kiss and how, how it-" I pushed my head off the door and stared at the brown wooden door in front of me. "I've never really felt that with anyone else and when I tried else where for it, it was like a punch in my gut because it wasn't you."

I felt the tears reach the rim of my eyes and threaten to fall down my cheeks. Dakota opened the door and stared at me.

"Nothing is wrong with you Dakota it's just.." She trailed off.

"Since I've met you I have done nothing but thought about being someone else. I don't know if it's because I want to or because you want me to." I swallowed the lump in my throat once again. "We have to make a choice though Kota, we have to because if this goes on much longer I don't think I can come back from this."

"Dani.." Her hand reached out for mine. "You don't need to change, there's absolutely nothing wrong with you."

"Then why does it feel like I'm nothing but-"

She slid her hands onto my face and silenced me with a quick kiss. We separated, but not completely our foreheads pressed together as our breaths fell heavy on each other's face. Before I could over think what had just happened she pulled me in again. Our kiss was momentarily the same as our last one but quickly turned into a breathless fight of passion. I felt a fire start in my stomach and spread through out my entire body, making me forget everything except us.

She pulled me into her room shutting the door behind her with ease, her arms snaked around my body and pulled me into her. I pushed her back onto the bed as I hovered above her, I wanted nothing more then to be closer to her. Her legs wrapped around my waist and pulled me against her body, she wanted nothing more too.

I closed the gap between us and continued my assault on her lips then trailed down her neck, I allowed my fingers to roam to the edge of her shirt then pulled it over her head. Her body was mesmerizing I couldn't begin to describe how every inch of her pulled me in. My hands explored her body earning an arch of her back and soft moans. There wasn't a sound I've heard more intoxicating before.

"Dani." Dakota moaned out my name. The fire completely took over my body and my mouth found their way back to her neck until I lowered my way down her stomach. I earned another moan as my hands strode to her inner thigh.

My fingers gripped the edge of her shorts as my mouth caressed her waist. I wanted to hear more of her moans, I wanted to make her feel everything I felt, I wanted to leave her feeling the same way I did about her.

"God, I love you." Those words quickly escaped her lips. My stomach sunk and I pulled my head back looking at her with shocked eyes.


Had I said that out loud?

She quickly sat up and covered her upper body. Did she just say she loved me? Why had she said she loved me? If she really loved me would she really be moving away from me?

The questions swirled in my mind until my stomach was sick. The tears in my eyes began to swell and I knew at any moment I would start sobbing. Her hand reached out for me but I couldn't let her touch me, not right now. I pulled away from her and stood at the edge of her bed.

"Then why are you leaving?" I could hear the strain in my own voice as I fought back from crying.

"Dani, it's not like that it's.." Her eyes looked away from me and I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Have a good life with Hayley." I stormed out of her room and ran off to mine shutting the door behind me. I sunk to the floor tucking my knees into my chest.

If she really loved me then why would she leave?

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