8. A Failing Class

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The two weeks seemed to go by with a breeze, my days were spent in a high haze or buzzed. I wasn't going to let myself have another nightmare and be confronted by Dakota again. I sat in my last class of the day watching my blank paper waiting for it to write itself. The bell rang signaling the end of class, I tried to gather my things and get out of there but I was quickly stopped.

"Dani, will you stay after class?" Miss Avery asked but I knew well that it wasn't a question. I pushed everything in my backpack and waited for everyone to pile out of the room. She quickly shut the door and sat on the desk next to me.

I gulped the lump in my throat trying to avert my eyes from her legs crossing, she was wearing a tight skirt and with her this close I couldn't help but think how mesmerizing her body was. Stop it Dani, she's you teacher right now. She also has this habit of trying to pry into your personal business.

"Are you okay?" Her voice pulled me from my thoughts and I met her silver searching eyes.

"Oh yeah, I'm good." I pushed my hair off my face and sighed.

"You just, you haven't exactly been paying attention in class and you haven't been doing any of the class work either. We aren't even a month into school and you're already failing." I looked away from her penetrating eyes. I couldn't help but to get uncomfortable under her stare, it felt as if she could look into me and know what it was I thought.

"Oh, yeah." I shrugged, who cared about school? If I failed this semester I would just go ahead and get my GED.

"Look, if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here." She placed her hand over mine and I nodded. I didn't need her to be there for me, there was nothing she could do to help me. I knew that and eventually she would too. It would just be easier if we both went ahead and accepted that.

"Thanks." I got up and walked out the room and met Courtney at her locker.

"Want to go get some lunch?" Her brown eyes met mine and smiled.

"Of course let's go." I smiled back and followed her out into the parking lot. "How about some Taco Bell?"


A loud pounding on my door woke me; my eyes shot open and I flew out of my bed running towards the noise. I tripped over a pile of clothes and some shoes slamming hard into the door knob.

"Fuck." I grumbled swinging the door open.

"What!?" I barked out at whoever was on the other side of the door disturbing my rest. I slung the door open and saw Dakota, she was still in her PJ's. Her hair was astray and I couldn't help but notice her large shirt was low cut and I could see straight down it, I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth. I knew I was still lingering and I shouldn't be, I ripped away and locked contact with her eyes.

"Get ready." She said sternly as she kept her eyebrow cocked. She was a little too crabby for me  this early in the morning.

"For what?" I leaned my body against the door frame annoyed that she had me up way before my usual time.

"School." Once again she spoke with a stern voice, I couldn't help but feel annoyed. What was her problem today?

"Yeah alright." I chuckled and began to shut the door before she slapped her hand against the wood and threw daggers from her eyes.

"What?" I scoffed.

"Seriously Dani, you have to get ready you're my ride to school." She rolled her eyes as she leaned against the frame.

"What? That's a really funny joke, Dakota." I pushed my hair off my face.

"Henry needed my car this morning, something was wrong with his, so he borrowed mine" I could see the pride drain from her face.

"Alright." I said no more, I knew the undeserved attitude was probably exhausting. She didn't deserve it because she just needed a ride and wanted to make sure I didn't make her late. "Well I'm going to take a shower." I shut he door now and walked off to my bathroom.

The steam from my shower cascaded across the room, filling in every open space it could find. I sighed in satisfaction as my tense muscles seemed to relax and felt the grogginess disappear. I wiped my mirror clean and couldn't help to observe myself as I thought about Dakota.

Why didn't Henry just borrow my car? I could've just called Courtney to give me ride to school, asshole he probably did it on purpose cause he thinks it's funny. I rolled my eyes finishing my shower and going to find some clothes to throw on.

Black skinny jeans, the typical baggy shirt a denim jacket thrown over. I found a pair of maroon Vans and figured it was good enough for today, I slipped them on and walked out into the kitchen. I grabbed a piece of toast and searched the fridge for an energy drink, I could feel Dakota's eyes on me without her even needing to tell me she was there, I grabbed exactly what I was looking for. I popped the top to my Red Bull and slowly turned around catching her gaze.

"Wasn't it you who once said quit looking at my ass?" I mumbled with a mouthful of toast and smiled.

She giggled and shook her head. "You really should eat a better breakfast, and I'd actually have to be looking at your ass Dani."

"Thanks I'm fine with my breakfast and you were definitely looking at my ass." I drowned down my toast with the energy drink, accidentally letting some liquid slip down my chin.

"You missed your mouth." Dakota bursted into a fit of laughter, her dimples were deep and her smile was contagious.

"Shut up, I hate you so much." I wiped my mouth and tried to fight my smile. I watched as she brought her hand up to cover part of her smile, I bit back my bottom lip.

"You shouldn't hide your smile, it's adorable and no one should miss it." I felt my cheeks burning; I knew I shouldn't have said that out loud because of our situation so I made an attempt for a quick recover. "Come on isn't it time to leave? Don't want to make you late."

"Oh yeah, you're right." She picked up her purse and we started out the door. "If you make me late I'm going to give you a detention." She pushed my shoulder playfully.

"Okay then, I guess that's fair enough." I gave her a playful push and we walked down to my truck. I guess getting up early and spending time with her wasn't so bad. Honestly, I didn't take a pill before leaving so I might actually do some work today.

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