14. Being Alone

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Listening to Dakota go on about her date sucked, but part of me wished I would've just stayed at home instead of going shopping. Courtney tried on at least 2 dozen dresses before she finally picked one. Which was actually the first one she tried on by the way. She picked a maroon one with silver accents, so now the fun part is we're looking for a maroon button up and a silver bow tie to match both the same shades. Why not just wear all black? At this point it felt like a funeral to me.

"Dani, I know you hate shopping but what's bothering you right now?" Courtney asked after she handed me the 3rd maroon shirt that matched all the other shirts I've tried on.

"I just didn't get much sleep last night is all." I sighed heavily thinking of Dakota. I walked out the dressing room and showed her the shirt.

"Yes! Perfect match. Now try on these ties to match the dress." She smiled and handed me a handful of ties, I groaned in annoyance.

"Why didn't you sleep well?" She pushed on the subject as I tried the first tie.

"Dakota had a date last night and I had a bunch of homework and I just could't get sleep I guess." I rushed my words together quickly trying to get the off the subject and onto the next one.

"Ah, so Dakota went on a date and you couldn't sleep? Must of been jealousy then." Courtney gave me a sly smile.

"I don't get jealous." I scoffed and rolled my eyes at her.

"Yeah cause you never really liked anyone before Dani, if seeing someone else with her makes you so unhappy to the point where you can't even sleep, you need to admit your feelings to her."

"I don't have feelings for her." I scoffed but she only patted my back. "Thats the tie you need by the way, I'll go put these back for you."

After changing back into my clothes I couldn't help but feel what Courtney said was exactly right. I hadn't really liked anyone before, but was I actually jealous about the whole Dakota dating thing. I rubbed my temples trying to clear my head of the nonsense Courtney said.

Courtney and I quickly paid for our stuff and made our way to my apartment. I couldn't help but to watch everything pass us and think more on what she had said to me.

"Hey Courtney?" I turned from looking out the car window to her.


"Would you mind coming in and helping with the math homework? I really don't know what's going on and Dakota is great and all, but there's a reason why she teaches English." I smiled and got a small chuckle from her.

"Yeah no problem. I'm doing pretty well in calculus right now." She shrugged nonchalantly.


Who the hell does well in calculus? 

We got back to my place pretty quickly. Thankfully, I was actually in a better mood then this morning. I smiled as I opened the door, I already felt a weight being lifted from my shoulders when I didn't immediately see Dakota.

"Aye, Henry!" I called out. I looked at Courtney and shrugged. "I guess everyone is gone." We walked into the living room and I looked around noticing all the lights were off.

We started our way to my room when Dakota's door flew open.

"Dani?" She rushed out her room and practically tackled me to the ground forcing me to the ground with a loud thud.

"Oh sorry. Hey Courtney offered to help me with my math so you don't have to worry about it." I smiled at her but I couldn't shake the expression on her face. It was like she had seen a ghost.

I raised my brow at her trying to read the situation.

"You okay?" She looked normal to me, her typical lounge wear. Her hair in a messy bun with hardly any clothes on.

"Yeah s-sorry." She stuttered and she looked back at her door and practically leapt to it trying to force the door close as I got to my feet.

"Are you sure you're okay? Did I scare you or something?" I pushed closer to her.

"No, you're fine." She looked behind her again and made the move to shut the door again.

"What's going on why are you acting-?" I stopped mid-setence, because I saw why she looked to be in a panic. I noticed Haley standing behind her throwing on pants and a shirt from the floor.


I looked at Haley, then met my gaze back at Dakota. I felt almost sick to my stomach like I ate something bad and was going to get sick, actually, no I was really going to barf.

I darted off to my bedroom and practically slid on the floor catching myself on the toilet and loosing my stomach.

Courtney gave me a few minutes to myself before finally coming in the to bathroom. She comforted me through my tears, then helped me off the floor and got me a change of clothes. When it was all over with we started on my homework and didn't say much that didn't have anything to do with math.

She helped me finish all my homework and even had the email for the essay prompt I needed. Because going and asking Dakota for it now was absolutely out of the question for me.

"Well all my math is finished and I don't really need help on my essay." I chuckled.

"That's fine I can go if you want?" Courtney sat up from the bed, but I stopped her.

"Actually I was gonna ask if you wanted to stay. We could have a Disney movie marathon or something?" I tried to put in my best smile to sucker into it.

"Don't want to be alone?" She sat down and put her hand on my shoulder.

I flinched under her words, was it knowing Dakota and Haley were in the room together making me want a distraction? Did I really have feelings for her? No, absolutely not. I didn't have feelings for her and I could handle being alone.

"Actually, I'm fine thanks." I stood from my bed trying to push her out my bedroom door. "I'm just going to go to bed."

I shut the door and walked over to my almost empty bottle of pills, reminding myself that I needed to buy some more from Dmitry. I popped the rest into my hand and grabbed a bottle of water on my nightstand, I laid back on my bed and shut my eyes, ignoring everything from today.

I woke the next morning, well really evening to Henry opening my door and asking if I was alive. I texted Dmitry letting him know I would be by later to pick up my order. I took an hour to throw some bullshit essay together and sent it in. I had lost all ambition to work on anymore school work for the day, I needed to get out and forget last night again.

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