23. A Whole Week

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The days passed and it was finally time to go back to school, which was disappointing because I had enjoyed the time spent alone with her.

"Come on, we will be late." Dakota peaked her head in my door quickly then left.

Henry and Dakota insisted that she take me to school since my leg was broken. I protested plenty of times but to no avail, so here I was getting ready so Dakota could take me to school.

I hopped my way into the living room, I was beginning to catch the hang of the crutches thing.

The burning in my sides subsided after a few minutes so I was okay with it after a while.

"Come on." She smiled and rushed out the door.

Once I got in the car, I pulled down the mirror and examined myself.

"Holy shit." I gasped. This was the first time I had actually looked at myself. Henry and Dakota have been telling me I didn't want to, and now I see why.

"And now you understand why I have been doing your hair." She examined me carefully, her eyes soft as if I was going to break.

"You've been actually brushing it and putting it in a braid like I'm five." I scoffed jokingly.

"You'll thank me later, your ribs are already broken you don't need to worry about walking on crutches and your hair being in your eyes also." She winked at me playfully but I still felt my stomach do flips.

I returned to look at the mirror. My lip was busted, the whole left side of my face was a healing bruise, small cuts covered my cheeks and nose.

He defiantly taught me a lesson.

I looked away, I didn't want to see how badly I looked. I told myself over and over that I was never going to let someone over power me ever again. I was going to let anyone else get away with hurting me, but here I was getting driven to school by Dakota because of my broken leg he gave me.

"Hey." Dakota's voice was small, but it pulled me away from my thoughts.

Her eyes searched me over and I knew before she could ask me that she wanted to know what I was thinking.

"He did a pretty good number on me." I smiled.

"You're relentless." She groaned rolling her eyes.

"Well my money maker is destroyed, so now I'll have to work on my new career."

This earned a a curious smile. "Oh yeah? Like what?"

"A comedian of course."

She bursted out with laughter. "You're not as funny as you think you are Dani."

I pouted. "That actually hurt my feelings."

"Sorry, I'll just have to crush your dreams now." She looked over at me. "The only funny thing about you is your looks."

I chuckled loudly now.

"I don't think my broken nose is exactly funny to anyone you bitch." I barked with laughter.

"Careful now Dani, we are on school property." She threatened with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh Miss Avery, please do forgive me." My words drenched in playful teasing and sarcasm now.

"Shut up." She groaned out.

"But, Miss Avery, what if I get detention."

"I hate that so much."

"What? Miss Avery? That is your name." I grinned mischievously now.

"Stop it now or you actually will get detention for whatever reason I feel fit."

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