17. Speeding

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I've successfully managed to avoid any unnecessary communication with Dakota, it was harder than I thought at first, cause she would call on me in class and ask me to stay after almost everyday to talk to her. But, after a while of avoiding her at school and at home, she caught on and left me alone.

Unfortunately, she got back at me for the cold shoulder I gave her by inviting Haley over almost every night she could. I did my best by trying to keep myself from being home, like going out with Courtney and her group of friends, or asking Dmitry if he needed more favors. Some nights though I didn't feel like going out anywhere and was forced to hide in my room listening to Dakota's giggles for most of the nights.

"Hey." Courtney snuck up behind me and startled me from my thoughts.

"Hi." I grumbled.

"I tried calling you last night?" Her caramel eyes searched mine and I almost felt uncomfortable, I just didn't feel like dealing with anyone last night.

"Oh, yeah I was just tired yesterday." I gulped. "Sorry I slept through your calls I guess."

I felt eyes burning into me and I saw Miss Avery standing by her door eyeing the both of us, why was she always watching me? I slammed my locker door shut and froze remembering it was her class I was rushing off too.

"Are you okay?" I met Courtneys gaze once again and only nodded to her question. "You seem like you've been on edge lately, is it something to do with her?"

"What? No nothing is bothering me especially anything to do with her. Why would it anyways she's just my roommate or whatever." I shrugged trying to end my sentence there because I knew if I continued Courtney would go on about how I had feelings for her and I was in denial. Which I do not and I am not, I just didn't want to listen to it anyways.

"If you say so." Courtney muttered as we walked off in the same direction.


I tapped the pencil on my desktop, basically counting every second that I spent in this classroom with Miss Avery's piercing gaze, with Courtney's sideways question glances, with all the excited mutter about homecoming. I felt as if I was coming unglued and I wanted the bell to ring desperately to get as far away from here as possible.

The time was going agonizingly slow and I was seconds away from just standing from my desk and leaving anyways.

"Dani." Courtney bumped my arm and I snapped out of my thoughts.

I met the blonde girls gaze.

"What?" I snapped.

She only tilted her head to Miss Avery. I rolled my eyes over to her to see what she wanted.

"I asked you to stop tapping your pencil, it's distracting." She raised her brow as if she was daring me to tap it again.

So I went ahead and tapped a couple more times.

"Right." Tap. "I'm sorry. Tap. Tap.

The class giggled and Miss Avery only straighten her stance and Harden her glare.

"Right. Well you can see me after the class." She cocked her eyebrow and the bell rang dismissing everyone.

She walked up to me tapping her painted fingernails against my desk, oh she was trying to be funny now.

"Don't go anywhere."

I bit my lip knowing I was in for it, I sat there for a few seconds until Dakota pulled up a chair.

"Dani, what's going on?" She tried making eye contact but I just kept starring at my desk.


I shrugged my shoulders.

"Look, I'm worried about you ok?" She sighed.

"Well, don't okay? That's not part of your job." I spat.

"I just want to make sure you're doing okay, I can't help but worry."

"Stop having your stupid girlfriend over the time then." I grumbled rolling my eyes.

"What? Dani" I heard her lower her voice. "Does her being over actually bother because I can-"

"Can what? No it doesn't bother me why would I actually care about you and your girlfriend." I shot daggers at her, I knew what I said would hit a nerve and I guess intentionally I wanted to hurt her with them. The look on her face made me feel bad for saying it though.

"Stop worrying about me Dakota, I'll manage with whatever I get myself into." I stood up and threw my bag over my shoulder and made my way towards the door.

"Dani!" She called out

"No! I don't have to stay here! You can't keep me. Just give me detention or something but don't force me to sit in here and talk to you." I turned my back and quickly made my way down the hall.

"Dani!" She attempted to holler back out at me but I was already leaving. I pushed open the door and turned the corner bumping into random shoulders as I darted to the parking lot. Once I had made it to my truck I pulled the baggy of pills from my center console and swallowed a few, then took off down the road to anywhere but here or home.

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