Chapter 5: Don't You Know That You're Toxic?

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(Warnings: Glitter, Fainting, Manipulation, Prinxiety [kinda], Slimy Boi)

5 days later...

{Virgil's POV}

    Everything's seemed to go back to normal...

    Roman returned a few hours later... and we're all pretty sure he's not Deceit.

    But he was acting kind of weird when he got back..

    Started acting... distant.

    Meanwhile, I've started blacking out more than usual.

    But hey, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.

    Although, it does make me think... Deceit doesn't usually mess with us unless he has some ulterior motive...

    "UNO!" Patton yells, as he throws his cards on the coffee table. The rest of us groan, he always wins this game.

    I look around Thomas's living room, he left a couple days ago to spend Easter at his Aunt Patty's. Of course, he left Logan in charge. I didn't have the energy to argue with him, so I just try to stay in my room at all costs. So obviously when Patton dragged us all downstairs to have a "family game night" in which he picks the game he always wins, I wasn't exactly thrilled.

   Most people think that Patton is some oblivious ray of sunshine, but I know from personal experience, that's VERY far from the truth. We all know that Patton can be kinda... competitive. Then he just says "Oh kiddos, it's just a game! At least we all had fun!". He is incredibly aware that none of us enjoy it, but have you seen his puppy face? No one can say no to him!

    "Patton, can you not just let me win ONCE!" Roman exclaims, defeated again that he lost for the 4th time in a row.

    "Aw come on kiddo! You know I love this game, can we just play one more game? Pwease Ro Ro?" Patton asked, the puppy look on his face.. again.


    Roman rolled his eyes so far back, I'm surprised he didn't see his empty head. "FINNNEEE" He groaned, stretching out his syllables for added effect.

After the 5th game...

    I made my way back up to my room after game night. Everyone else went to bed, but I still needed to think... sort things out you know? I've been... doing things, and not remembering them. Like, I'll be in the middle of a conversation with Patton, and I'll black out for what feels like a few seconds. But the weird thing is, it's not like the falling over blacking out, it's more like... falling asleep standing up, and when I wake up, the conversation is continuing. Almost like I've been talking the whole time.

    I haven't told anyone, I'm afraid that they'll make me see a doctor or something. Besides, it's not the most difficult thing to live with. I lay on my bed, covered in glitter, (It's a very long story that I don't really want to get into, k?) with my headphones on. I prepare myself for the darkness, as I can feel myself slipping away. 

    I opened my eyes, the semi tinted purple lights shine me in the eyes. I have no idea why those weren't turned off.  I sluggishly stood up, my head was spinning ever so slightly. I felt... good. Better than usual I mean, It's been... I don't know how long since I've taken a while to just relax. I've been surprisingly tired lately, staying up later and listening to music. That would explain the sleeping while standing up thing.

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