He turns to Seokjin with a worried frown. "Where's your brother?"

Seokjin's grins and waggles his eyebrows, clearly having been waiting for someone to ask. "Jungkook presented."

The table goes wild, everyone trying to ask questions at once. At twenty-one, Jungkook was really late. The average age for presenting was eighteen, although quite a few presented even earlier. Everyone had assumed that Jungkook was a beta at this point, even Jungkook.

"What is he?" Yoongi asks when the noise died down enough for him to be heard.

"He told me not to say anything. He wants it to be a surprise."

Yoongi rolls his eyes and goes back to eating, depositing the olives he'd normally pawn off on Jungkook into a napkin to be thrown away instead.

"It went well though? He's okay?"

Seokjin nodded, grimacing a little. "He's okay now. It was a little difficult at first, as I've heard it usually is with late presenters. Horrible fever, lots of pain. But he's strong, our Jungkookie. Made it through fine and was eating us out of house and home within a few hours."

"Oh, this means he can go on the run next week!" Jimin exclaims excitedly, "He'll be good at it too. If he's an Omega, no one could catch him unless he wanted them too. If he's an Alpha, no one would get away. It's a win-win situation for him."

The annual mating run was pretty much the only thing their town was really known for. It used to be optional to attend. However, as secondary genders were slowly becoming unbalanced with betas being the most common, the government had declared runs mandatory. Well, for everyone except betas, the lucky bastards. Their preserve was one of the largest in the country and left largely untouched except during the run. Their small town of maybe five thousand would be bustling with life as people traveled from all over the country to attend. Alphas and Omegas all desperate to finally be claimed.

Yoongi himself had been through the run seven times, and this upcoming run was going to be his eighth. He was happy with his life the way it was, and he had no plans to become some Alpha's bitch. He didn't care that the pitying looks increased in number every year when he showed up to the starting line. He wouldn't even go if he wasn't forced to. Luckily, he only had a few more years left, since the law allowed anyone thirty and over to be exempt from the run if they wished.

At least this year he'd have a little something extra to keep him occupied. Instead of camping out in his usual cave, he'd try to keep an eye out for Jungkook. He doubted that the muscled monster would need much of his help, however. He was smart and agile, and there was pretty much zero chance he'd leave the run unmated. The thought of Jungkook going on a mating run makes Yoongi uncomfortable for some reason. Maybe it just made him feel old thinking about the kid who used to follow him around like a duckling being of age for finding a mate. He wasn't sure what it was, but the image of Jungkook finding someone during the run made him feel...itchy.

"Has he said anything about his plans for the run? Like if he has anyone in mind? He's never shown any interest in dating someone in town, so maybe he's planning on seeing what the city has to offer," Taehyung asked with a disgustingly full mouth. Yoongi really needed friends with better manners.

"No, he hasn't really said anything. Although...I suppose I could give you a hint," Seokjin grinned mischievously, his eyes traveling around the table. They stayed on Yoongi a little longer than was comfortable, in his opinion.

"Jungkook was yelling a name during his...episode."

"Oh! That means it's someone we would know! He doesn't know anyone from the city, right?" Namjoon asks, to which Seokjin nods in the affirmative.

"Right. It was someone that we all know. Very well, actually. But I won't say, because I promised Jungkookie. He's really excited and wants to do everything the traditional way."

"So cute. Yoongi, you're going to run again, right? You and Seokjin have to be our eyes and watch out for Jungkook. Our babies first run, how exciting," Jimin giggles.

Yoongi grunts, which Jimin thankfully takes as a legitimate answer and moves on to another topic, leaving him to brood in peace. He was already tired from his long day, and now he was irritated thinking about having to go through the fucking run again, hiding from stupid Alphas that didn't know he wanted nothing to do with them chasing him all over the damned place. He was annoyed that Jungkook wasn't sitting in his usual spot next to him eating his god damn olives...

Yoongi sighed, recognizing that he was now just getting annoyed at everything and his exhaustion was getting the better of him. He quickly finished the slice he was working on and downed the rest of his beer before pushing away from the table and standing up.

"I'm gonna head home. I'm tired as hell."

"Okay, hyung. You need a ride?" Namjoon peeled himself away from Hoseok long enough to ask.

"Nah. Just gonna walk since I'm not far. Probably won't see you guys tomorrow, just a heads up. I have the day off and I'm going to just rest and start planning for next week."

"Good idea, you're going to need all the rest you can get," Seokjin says with an ominous smirk.

Yoongi just shakes his head and takes off with a little wave, striding into the night.

He was about halfway home when he pulls out his phone, deciding he should probably send Jungkook a text if he wasn't going to be able to see him for a week.

Yoongi: Hey, just heard the news. Congrats.

Jungkook: Thanks hyung! I bet you were pretty surprised, huh?

Yoongi: Probably not as surprised as you. You good now, though? I'm near the convenience store if you need anything.

Jungkook: I'm okay. It's mostly over and now I'm just really tired.

Yoongi: You sure? Hyung can get you pads if you need them. Maybe some nice fluffy blankets?

Jungkook: I see what you're trying to do! Nope. You'll find out my presentation next week like everyone else.

Yoongi: I'm shocked and hurt. I thought I was your favorite hyung.

Jungkook: You are ;) You'll find out soon enough. I know you're almost home, so goodnight!

Yoongi: Fine. But let me know if you need anything. Night Kook.

Yoongi sighed as he unlocked the door to his apartment, tucking his phone into his pocket. He went straight for his battered thrift store couch and practically collapsed into it. After a few moments of letting his body relax, he let his eyes wander around the place, taking in the minimal amount of decor and general emptiness of the place.

The truth was that he felt lonely at times. Certainly during moments like this when he came home to a barren apartment. During times like these, he was almost tempted to let someone finally catch him during a run. However, he figured it was better to be miserable and alone than to be taken by some asshole who would try to control him and treat him like he was useless simply for being an Omega. He'd seen it happen way too often and there was no way he'd let it happen to himself.

He was fine with being alone, and now it was time to plan yet another run that would ensure he stayed that way.

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