Chapter Six: No Arguments at the Table

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The Next Day:

"AHHHHH!!!!!", I screamed while falling on the ground. After that was done, I started giggling when I heard Tyler laughing behind camera. "Hahahaha!!!! Cut! Good job, (Your Name)!", he shouted as I got up. The third part of the skit was finally done. The third chapter is supposed to be about how Damien's sister, Celine, coming over to help us find out how did Mark die. And then things go crazy when she turns out different, and that Damien's wife (me), is surprisingly dead while in the room with Celine. I couldn't believe that my part in this skit was finally over. I just had so much fun playing as Mark's wife. "You did great today, (Your Name).", Pamela told me as I gave her a hug. "Thanks! You did great too. I really felt the tension in the room.", I said as she giggled. I then felt a tap on my shoulder, and saw Mark. "You two did an amazing job. Now we can finally film the last part of the skit. And that's where I can finally get out my inner Dark!", Mark explained. But when he mentioned his persona's name, I just stood there all quiet. Just hearing the name, was still reminding me about what Dark told me last night. Not just that, but also the part about how Mark is tricking me in some way. "(Your Name), are you okay?", he asked as I looked up. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine. I'm just hungry. When's dinner?", I said as my excuse. I couldn't ask Mark if he was tricking me about reading the book, and entering inside it. Even if I did, what if he tells me that I'm thinking crazy or something?

At Dinner:

As we all dined together, Mark got up from his seat and proposed a toast. "This is for everyone here who is doing so well on helping me create the skit. I'm so happy that we're almost done with this. All we need to do now is make my evil persona, Dark, come out for one last surprise...", Mark toasted. Everyone at the table cheered for him, but I didn't. He didn't know the true background behind Dark, himself. As he took his seat, I began to talk to him. "Mark, I need to ask you something, if that's okay.", I said as he looked at me a bit confused. "Uh.. Sure, why not?", he said. I took a deep breath and couldn't believe what I was going to say. "Okay, here it is: What if Dark was actually good?", I asked him calmly. Everyone at the table went quiet, and Mark just looked at me like if I was being funny. "Haha! What? Come on. You're actually serious?", he asked me while giggling a bit. "Mark, I'm not joking! I'm actually being serious about this. I'm just saying, maybe Dark could be a good guy. Maybe he has a good heart. Maybe he's just misunderstood.", I rambled on and on about Dark. However, I saw that Mark didn't want to talk about this again. "Maybe we should just be quiet and finish up dinner.", he said. I got up from the table and started to talk to him seriously this time. "Mark, why do you always have to make something evil, when you basically never heard of their backstory?", I asked. Mark finally got up from his chair and started to sound angry this time. "(Your Name), what the hell are you talking about? He is not real! Why are you making this sound like a big deal?!", he shouted at me. My cheeks were turning red, I couldn't stand to hear him yell at me. "A BIG DEAL?! So you think that it's fine to accuse someone as evil, without even wondering why they're like that in the first place?!", I shouted. I know that I was acting crazy right now in front of everyone, but I wasn't done talking to Mark. No matter how embarrassing I was making him right now. "For your information, Dark is supposed to be evil, BECAUSE HE JUST IS! NO BACKGROUND! NO STORY! NO NOTHING!", he shouted at me again. "YOU'RE ONE TO TALK! You just use him like if he's nothing!", I argued. "OH! OKAY, FINE! IF YOU DON'T AGREE WITH ME ON THIS, THEN LEAVE THIS HOUSE NOW!", he shouted one more time. Everyone was in shock on what he just told me. I looked at him for a second, and started to feel upset. I couldn't believe that he just said that to me. As I felt tears going down my face, I looked angrily at Mark one more time. "That's it... He was so right about you! You're nothing more but just a liar and a trader to him!", I said one last time. I then ran out of the dining room, and ran straight upstairs. Once I got up to my bedroom, I slammed the door and locked it. I then slid down the door on my back, crying so hard. "I can't believe him!... Dark is so right about him..... I can't stand this anymore..... I need to go see him again tonight and tell him what's wrong....", I told myself while continuing to cry.

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