Chapter 1- Messy Meet and Greet

Start from the beginning

When the thought finally processed that the team of the greatest heroes known to date was only divided by her through a thin glass pane her first thought was to quickly rush in and say hello.

So, stupidly stepping forward, her face planted into the glass.

She heard a deep chuckle and didn't bother to look up who it was from already blushing from embarrassment but glad no one could tell since she was a cat right now. Shaking off her stupidity she quickly leaped from the wooden ledge and slipped inside past a woman's legs as she pushed a pram into the stand, the usual jingle of the bell signalling a new customer.

The wave of coffee bean scent flushed through her nose and gave her a sense of nostalgia but her only thought was 'I have to say hello!'

But she froze momentarily when two emerald eyes narrowed down at her in skepticism, the gaze was so cold she almost shivered despite how warm she was. Trying to ignore the man with the strong green eyes she carefully leaped up onto the bench that connected to the window she was just on the other side of.

"Hey look at that!" Tony smirked as Sparrow walked over and came over to his hand on the table nudging her head against it 'well since I can't technically shift back just yet this'll have to do as a greeting, pleasure to meet you Mr. Stark sir'

Tony's hand lifted and scratched behind her ears as she sat down and allowed him to greet her in return. But boy oh boy would this be weird to explain when she had the ability to shift back to normal thankfully none of that was planned any time soon.

"pretty cute-" Natashas voice piping it was cut off with an angry annoyed pitched voice coming from the end of the bench nearest to the door.

"Get this vile vermin off of our table you mewling quim!" Suddenly the voice could be connected to a person Sparrow had seen before terrorising the city. Loki.

Turning to face the noise his dark green eyes narrowed in on her and his pale fist curled on the bench in agitation, his jaw locked in rage that burned deep within him, eye twitching at the feline who dared disrupt his zoning out.

Waltzing between everyone else's cups and empty plates, being sure to flick her tail up to swipe under Tony's jaw on the way past who was a sucker for cats, she sat in front of Loki's dark coffee cup.

She lazily glanced up at the fuming god before sticking her paw up and dunking it in the warm liquid, yes it was still warm but the scrunch of his face was completely worth it.

The next thing you knew you were plucked from the table by familiar hands and with a startled knew you were pulled into Johns chest, 'well hello dad'

"Sir I apologise, this is our cafe cat I'm sorry for the trouble. I'll fetch you a new coffee immediately but I can assure you she means no harm" His soothing voice told the slim narrow eyed god.

Who scoffed and looked away grumbling a "very well", with a curt nod John walked off with Sparrow in his arms. John is a 34 year old cafe owner here in Cup O' Joe Cafe, he inherited it from his father and now he runs the place. He also happened to be my dad.

He has light brown hair that's greying a little too early and kind warm brown eyes that always soothed me from my nightmares when I was little. I nuzzled my head into his jaw when we entered behind the counter by the machine where he set me down on the floor, "naughty Sparrow, you know not to tamper with the customers badly, its not good for business"

His brow crease made me worry, I hated disappointing him. But sometimes dad, I have to show the douche bags what Im made of!

He focused on remaking the beverage and I weaved between his legs carefully on the way back over to the bench where Jhon set the refreshed version down which was piping hot as the steam poured off of it.

He scooped up the 'tampered' coffee and apologised again and that stupid god rolled his eyes!

I cat scowled up at him from the floor as his smug smirk caught my eye when he took a sip from his coffee, bastard. "Come Sparrow" Jhon clicked his tongue and I glanced at him, to the god then back to him as I followed after him again.

This time he bent down and put the corner of a light plastic bowl filled with marshmallows to the corner of my mouth "go take this to them, we can't afford bad reviews"

I let out a huff through my nose before complying, I took the bowl and carefully trotted over leaping with precision, only dropping a total of one pink marshmallow on the table as I set it in the middle.

"woah that cat has some serious skills, could be part of the team" Clint grinned and I was grinning ear to ear internally at the thought of that, how awesome would that be?! fighting to help and save people!?

"a creature this disgusting would prove useless and nothing but a nuisance"

I cast a cat glare his way as he rose a brow at me,

"oh don't be such a sour puss Loki, you take things far too literally" Natasha piped in and I found myself wanting to nod to that. "come here kitty" Nat cooed and I walked over and let her pet my coat purring softly as she let out a soft laugh and I stepped back.

Walking back the other way Tony called me over and I let him do the same when he leaned in near my ear "this is stupid talking to an animal who cant understand human words but if by any chance you can, push Lokis cup over there onto his lap I'll be eternally grateful"

When I pulled back he smiled casually as I glanced to Loki who sipped the steaming cup and I glanced back at the billionaire who nodded.

"Stark..." Nat let out a warning and he rolled his eyes dramatically and leaned back against the seat "yes Natasha?"

She narrowed her eyes but looked away shortly after quietly sufficient for sipping her latte

On my way walking back over my paw,


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