Getting to know you

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Jace came into the kitchen again and sat in front of her.

“Ok! First I want you to know, I am not this guy anymore.” Scarlett nodded. “You have heard the rumors of my bad boy past?” She nodded again.

“Ok I can’t tell you everything but I can tell you that I had a lot of fights. I knew a lot of girls and I was in the drug scene. I didn’t do any drugs but I had connections.  My mom and sister tried to get me out of it but I rebelled more and was arrested.”

 He smirked. “They didn’t really have shit to hold me on but they were trying to scare me.  Anyways, I straightened up some when my brother was born cause his dad up and disappeared and I knew he needed someone to look up to. It still didn’t stop me from fighting.  My sister was in college. So she didn’t know all the shit I was getting into. If she did my ass would be kicked!” He shook his head and sighed.

“My mom died about a year ago. She was in a car crash. Luckily I stayed home and was watching Alec.  I held it together for about 3 weeks with Alec and taking care of him. My sister was so close to finishing college when mom died so I told her to finish. The day she showed up to help me out and move back in I disappeared.”

“You Disappeared? And I am so sorry about your mom!” Scarlett reached across the table and grabbed his hand. He half smiled at her and started rubbing his thumb over her hand. “I went on a drinking spree. I fought everyone I could. Slept with anyone who was willing to. I lost it. I ended up in the hospital with my sister crying over me thinking I was going to die. It made me stop doing everything I was doing and we moved here.”  Scarlett got up and hugged him. Jace pulled her in his lap and rested his head on her shoulder.

They sat there for a few moments. Jace sighed “You seem right in my arms Scarlett. Why do you like hate me?”  Scarlett blushed. “I don’t hate you.  It is complicated. I have trust issues. I can’t talk about it.” She went to stand up but he pulled her back down. “It’s fine. We can just forget about what has happened and be friends?”

“Aren’t you dating my best friend? You should let go of me.” She stood up really fast as he chuckled. “No we are not dating. I am an affectionate person.  I like holding people.”

“So Alec gets his clinginess from you?” She smirked down at him.  He busted out laughing. “Nice!” She stood up fighting out of his arms. “Ok let’s fill this out.” She tossed a packet at him.

About an hour later Scarlett looked up from her math book. They had already completed the packets and started on other homework. She sees Jace face down in his book asleep. She laughed and heard a little giggle. She looked in the doorway and saw a rumpled sleepy looking Alec. She put her finger over her mouth and made the shh motion. She quietly got up and walk to him crouching down. She whispered “Hey buddy you hungry?” He nodded. “Alright! You go play quietly in the living room and I will fix some dinner.” He stumbled off in that direction and Scarlett silently laughed.

 She could see that Alec and Jace were very alike.  She quietly looked around his kitchen to see what all she could use for dinner and where ever thing was.  She noticed the food menu for the week and saw it was taco night. She smiled she could defiantly do that. All while she gathered the ingredients and cooked Jace didn’t move a muscle. Scarlett had to keep from busting out loud.  Every once in awhile she would go check on Alec and gave him a kiss cause he was so cute. The tacos just got done when Christy got home.  Christy stared at her.

   Scarlett shrugged. “Jace is like passed out on his homework. Alec was hungry and I saw tonight was taco night so I just made them. I was just about to make Alec’s plate. I guess you want to do that.” She smiled at Christy.

                “I am sorry.” Christy said with a guilty look. “For?” Scarlett asked confused.

“For misjudging you, I thought you were some slut who was here for a bang and the project was a story about it. But I can tell that you aren’t like any of the girls he has been with before. You actually care! Hell you made us dinner. Which you have to stay for! I now have to humiliate my brother with stories of him being little since he fell asleep.” She walked to Jace and pushed him off the chair.

He woke with a start. “What the fuck?”  He received a slap to the back of the head. “You fell asleep and your friend made dinner. I leave for a few hours to check things at the office and you make your girlfriend do the work!” She poked him. He got up and grumbled something while walking to the bathroom.

Scarlett laughed and Alec ran in.  Christy grabbed him and munched on his arm. He wiggled and laughed. “DON’T EAT ME!!!!” HE scrambled down her and ran to Scarlett and hid behind her legs. “Help! “ Scarlett laughed and picked him up. “How about we eat tacos!” Alec like screamed in excitement as Jace walked in. He hugged Christy and plucked Alec out of Scarlett’s hands while kissing her cheek.

Scarlett blushed and smiled at how they interact with each other. Jace is putting Alec in his own chair made for him while Christy is making Alecs and her plate. Jace and Christy throw joking insults towards each other while Alec giggles.  Scarlett blushed as Jace looked at her smiling. “Ok It is our turn to make plates.” He grabbed two plates and started loading them up. She rolled her eyes laughing. “I can make my own plate!” Jace blocked her from grabbing it by grabbing her arm and pulled her towards him. He kissed her nose.” Nope! You made dinner so I make your plate. Thanks by the way but you should have woken me up.” She shrugged. “I didn’t want to you just looked so cute!” She teased him.  He rolled his eyes and handed her the plate.

After dinner Jace offered to drive her home. “It isn’t that far of a walk.  I will be fine.” She protested as he dragged her to the car opening the door. “Fine! Fine.” She grumbled as she got in the car. He smirked as he sauntered over to the driver’s side. “Thank you again for dinner Scarlett. The tacos were amazing and my sister actually likes you! It’s a first! I had fun to” He smiled at her driving downing the street.

 “Your family is amazing! I had a lot of fun to! Don’t worry though I won’t ruin your bad boy image you big softy.” She smiled thinking about the teddy bear he had to hold and feed during dinner. “Thanks” He laughed out as he pulled into her driveway. “See I told you I wasn’t far!” He smiled at her. “I know but it let me have more time with you.” She rolled her eyes as she got out of the car. She turned around to say bye when she saw him getting out as well. She looked at him curiously. “I am going to walk you to your door. Like a good gentleman should.”  He said in a fake accent. She laughed and grabbed his arm.

As they walked to the door he stopped her and turned her towards him. He lifted her chin up and bent down. His lips barely brushing against hers. He went to pull away but changed his mind and crushed his lips on hers.  The kiss sent her head spinning; she stopped thinking and wrapped her arms around his neck. His tongue ran across her lips and she gasped in surprise. He made the kissed deeper and Scarlett swore she saw fireworks and she felt her heart stop beating.  He moaned against her mouth and she trembled. He pulled away and rested his forehead on hers. 

She jerked away. “We can’t do that again.” Tears filled her eyes as she ran into the house leaving Jace totally confused and hurt.

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