Are yall dating? Projects!

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Jace and Scarlett haven't spoken since she slapped him. It has been almost a month since it happened. Scarlett sighed as she walked into the school. Ever since it happened she has felt bad about it but Jace is hardly ever at school and when he is he ignores her. He hasn't ignored Statia she noticed. They talk every morning and during the classes they have together. Statia has basically stopped talking and hanging out with her since Jace came to town. Scarlett scowled as she sat down in class. He isn't here again! She rolled her eyes and looked at the board. Projects are being assigned with partners. She walked up to the bulletin board to see who her partner was.

It was Jace. Great. He hates me. How are we going to even do this project! All these things are rushing threw her mind when she stepped back knocking into someone.

"Watch it!" She spun around "Jace! Your here! Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to!" She blurted out. He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. So what are we partners?"

"Uh yeah. Sorry I cant change it." She looked down tugging on her sleeves. "Its fine." He paused "Why are you always wearing some sort of long sleeved shirt or gloves?"

"I get cold easy" She muttered walking back to her seat. "Right. Like I believe that." Jace grunted.

Scarlett raised an eyebrow at him till he sat down. "So... You and Statia are pretty close now." She stated. "So? She is cool. Do you have a problem?" He said coolly. "NO!! Gosh I was just asking" She said blushing sitting down. She looked down at her desk as the teacher started to explain about the projects everyone was doing

"So It is project time in our little class! And Guess what the projects are about!" The teacher grinned at the class room. "Each other! Congrats everyone! You must fill out these packets and write and essay about each other. The likes dislike family life and so on." The class groaned. "AND NO You can not switch partners.!" He laughed as everyone rolled there eyes.

"So I guess we should get started." Jace said turning to Scarlett. Scarlett has turned pale and stared at him in horror. "I have to go" She said running out of the class. Jace jumped up after her. He grabbed her and spun her around in the empty hall way. Her hair is hanging in her face covering her eyes. He slowly lifted his hand and brushed her hair out of her face.

"You dont have to tell me anything you don't want to ok?" He lifted her chin up so she would look at him. Her violet eyes are shimmering with tears and her breath catches as he leans toward her.  

" Jace?" Statia appears "Is everything OK? What is wrong?" Jace stepped back running his hands threw his hair. " Nothing Statia. I freaked about the project you know how private I am." Scarlett said with a fake smile. Statia wrapped her arms around Jace.

"Oh yeah I heard about that." Statia shrugged. Scarlett smiled and looked down the hall. "Well I need to get back to class." "Wait meet me after school today." Jace called after her as she walked away.  

"Huh?" She looked at him confused. "The project? Remember?" Jace pointedly looked at her. "Oh right." She nodded and walked back to class. Her heart breaking a little thinking Statia is with Jace.

Jace looked at Statia. "what is she hiding? There is something i know it." "Like I can tell you?" Statia looked at him leaning against the lockers. She rolled her eyes. "Just talk to her more. Bye" She kissed his check and walked back to her class.


After school Scarlett walked to Jace's car. "Hey! So are we going to the library or somewhere?" She jestered with her hand. "I figured we could go to my house." He opened the door for her when she halted "What? Your house? Sure" She shrugged and got in the car.

On the way there she looked threw his music and noticed how similar there taste was in music. She smiled.

"Here." He got out and she jerked her head up. "Well that was fast."She muttered and ran after him.

He opened the door and caught a flying figure coming straight at the them screaming. He laughed and tossed the little boy in the air. He couldn't have been over 2. Scarlett smiled at the image of Jace holding this little boy. Jace looked at her and smiled. She gave him a questioning look.

"He is my little brother. I take care of him most days. He calls me dad though." He shrugged.

"He calls you dad? Why?" She looked at him weirdly. "Yeah. I am the closest thing he has so why not? My older sister" He pointed to the girl standing in the hall. She was just as tall as Jace with long black hair and piercing green eyes. Emerald green not the sea green that Jace's were. Scarlett smiled. "Hello, I'm Scarlett. Nice to meet you!"

"Hello" She said coldly "I'm Christy. Jace can I talk to you?"  She walked into the kitchen. Jace rolled his eyes and handed the little boy to Scarlett. "If you could go right threw there and play with him. I have to talk to her." He walked into the kitchen. She looked at the little boy and smiled down at him. He reached up and touched her nose. " Alec" He giggled.

"Is that your name? Alec?" She tickled him and walked to the room where Jace pointed to. It looked like the living room with a bunch of little toys that Alec scrambled down her to play with them. Scarlett sat on the couch and watched him play as voices drifted threw to them.

"What the hell Jace! We agreed! NO GIRLS Look what happened in your old school?" His sister snapped at him. "Bullshit sis." He snorted. "All the fight and the drugs and everything wasn't all girls fault." Scarlett could almost hear the eye roll. "Besides  this isn't even like that. We have a school project together."

"Are Y'all dating? Tell me the truth."

"NO I am also keeping my promise about the drugs! Ok? Now leave."

The front door slammed. Scarlett jumped up startled. Drugs fights? What the hell is this guy into?

Jace appeared in the doorway and Scarlett smiled at him. "Did you overhear?" "Uh no?" She blushed.

"Right" He laughed. "I will tell you everything. Maybe" He smirked and picked up Alec.

Alec smacked his face. "Hungry!" Jace turned to face him and laughed. "Ok then. Food it is." He glanced over and smiled at Scarlett, whose face is in her hands laughing. " Lets get sarted on our project."

They walked into the kitchen with Alec wiggling to get down. Jace rolled his eyes and laughed. “This kid is like the most hyper active child I know. You should sit while I make him a snack.” He nodded his head to the kitchen table. He sat Alec on top of the table with a firm stay there! He walked around the kitchen getting things together for Alec snack.

Scarlett smiled as she tickled Alec’s legs. “I like this side of you Jace. You still have to tell me what your sister is going on about though. I won’t put it in the report if you don’t want me to.”

“I honestly don’t care but my sister might so let’s leave it out for now. “He turned and handed the sandwich he made to Alec. Alec hopped down and ran off. Jace groaned. “I’m going to be cleaning peanut butter for days!” Scarlett laughed and held up her hand. “Alec! Come sit at the table and eat now!” Alec’s face appeared around the corner and he giggled. He ran and jumped into Scarlett’s lap and continued eating, Peanut butter and jam all over his face. Jace looked shocked as he got a wet paper towel to wipe Alecs face off.

Scarlett laughed. “It’s a gift! Now! How about we fill out the packets about ourselves then swap and just talk while we do it. That way one, we will have the answers and two, We can judge how each other are to put in the report.”  Jace smiled and nodded at her. “Sounds good. Let me put Alec down for a nap and we will talk about things.” She nodded and was almost paranoid about what he was going to tell her.  

Ok! So I am slowly writing this story! This chapter is slow but it is to show how good jace is  :D

Its annoying cause I know where I want this story to go but it a long time getting there ! if you read or vote on my story please tell me! I want to know how I am doing! Please tell other people also

Should be uploading more soon. Love ya! Scarlett love <3

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