A Dream and One to Seven

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Warning: No beta. HEAVY angst I guess

Connected to [This Time]'s first chapter


They told Taehyung that he was gone and he screamed.

He wailed.

He cried.

Taehyung screamed, as loud as he could.

He halfway hoped that if the man he loved more than anything could hear him screaming on his way to heaven, maybe the older man would turn around and come back to him.

The hollow feeling, the emptiness. Nobody could fill that gaping wound, he never counts; no, he never count how many days he survived without Seokjin.

"Do you miss him?" the cold breeze asked him, leaning to the balcony's fences and gazing down to the empty street in the middle of the night.

"All the time," Taehyung whispered to no one but the starry night that failed to amaze him with their beauty because everything turn grey for the man, beautiful but he couldn't smile.

He had a dream, a really nice dream for his birthday.

He woke up alone in that dream, the same empty bedside and he thought it was real. It felt foreign but he knew who he was in that dream.

He searched for him, his love, his heart ached when he realized Seokjin wasn't sleeping beside him and it took a long time for him to simply get up from his comfortable bed. He kicked the blanket and proceeded to the bedroom's door.

He remembered that he cried before he got up, he was a crybaby even in the dream.

Taehyung hated the silence, the deafening silence without a familiar wind-shield wiper laugh. Without children's giggles, he just found Yeontan when he walked in the corridor.

As fluffy as before, the small black ball of cuteness licked his face as if the little dog understood his pain, he smiled a little; funny how he remembered every little detail in his dream.

The next room was the kitchen, he leaned back to the wall and he caught two familiar figures; the source of his happiness.

They were making a cake, about to bake it if he didn't come to disturb them. His oldest son, Yeonjun, that little boy tried to trick him by dragging him away from the kitchen to the living room.

He chuckled how innocent his son was, he caught them and both of Seokjin plus Yeonjun stood like a deer staring to the car's light.


He also went to his second son's room, the little baby's name is Soobin. He didn't understand he adopted them or what but they were his children in the beautiful dream.

He almost ruined his own birthday because suddenly he broke into tears in the dream, Seokjin comforted him and his children watched him from the other side.

He calmed down at the end, their morning went smooth after that.

Breakfast was warm, full of little giggles and laughter.

Morning cartoon and morning baths.

It was a little bit funny and ironic how his 'nightmares' in his dream never stop in here.

He hoped everything happened in here was a mere nightmare, that he was actually happy with Seokjin and his children in their home and Yeontan.

But for this Taehyung, for him, the nightmare was his reality.

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