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We go hand in hand, smiling at Ethan and Mia's shocked expressions. To increase it, Noah brings our joined hands to his lips and kisses my hand, then proceeds to bring it to his chest, above his heart and sighs happily.

I let out a snort at his corny behavior. He just grins at me.

"Wait, how did this happen in, like, two days?" Ethan asks.

"Well, wouldn't you like to know?" Noah teases him.

Ethan rolls his eyes at him and turns to me with an eyebrow raised, asking for an explanation.

"Remember I told you about guide in New York? The guy I met at the club? That's him," I shrug.

Ethan furrows his eyebrows. "The hot and sexy guy who's amazing in bed? That's him? How in the world? He looks like a pig!"

"A pig's cousin is also a pig, " is Noah's lame comeback.

"What are the odds?" Mia finally speaks.

"I know! I asked myself the same thing, " I smile at her.

"So you were the girl he was seeing? Cool, " she shrugs and gives a meaningful smirk to Noah.

"Why that smirk?" Ethan asks, confused just like me.

"Oh, nothing. How rare is that?! But I'm happy for you two," she comes to me, pulling me into a hug.

My stomach grumbles that exact moment to remind me of the lack of food in my belly. It grumbles so loud, I fear the sound reached all the way to Narnia. They all laugh and I look down at the ground, blushing.

As we go past the living room to go to the kitchen, we catch sight of Cat, who looks extremely happy with the twins. Riley is combing his mane with her princess hairbrush, while Chloe is simply laying down next to him on the couch, her arm draped around him.

"Look at Cat. He's so happy I think he forgot me," Ethan pouts. That's partially true, though. The twins spent all their time with Cat.

"Why would you name it Cat?! That'ss such a lame name!" I exclaim for the umpteenth time.

"I know right? I asked him to name him 'Cow' and he asked me to piss off." Noah rolls his eyes.

Mia scoffs. "As if that was any better."  I mumble out an 'exactly!' in between my chuckles.

"Cow? Really Noah?" I lean in to playfully ruffle his hair and wrap my hands around his neck for a quick second.

Ethan looks at us. "I wish I had someone to ruffle my hair every time I cracked a lame joke."

"Here, " Mia messes up his hair instead of a light ruffle.

"Hey!" Ethan's hands shoot up to his hair and starts running his fingers through it.

The twins run into the kitchen and Cat follows them. Once he looks at Ethan, he goes to him, a smile on his face.

Ethan looks overjoyed at the sight. "Cat! I knew you will always be there with me. You are my forever friend!" he almost cries.

"Okay! Here's your breakfast everyone! Are you feeling fine?" Martha asks as she serves a bowl of oatmeal, with milk for everyone, but yogurt for Mia, topped with loads and loads of fruits and nuts. Hm, grand.

"Yes, I am, " I answer and immediately start eating, hearing others chorus out their 'yes's.

I notice Riley picking out the almonds from her bowl and silently moving them to Chloe's.

They are so adorable!

"Riley, eat your almonds, " Noah tells her with a stern look.

"But...they don't taste good!" she complains.

"It's good for you, honey, " Mia joins in.

Riley pouts. "Now you sound like Mr. Rogers."

Ethan and Noah roar with laughter at that. Mia isn't laughing, she has an irritated expression on her face.

"You don't mention Mr. Rogers ever again. Am I clear?" she looks at Riley, who nods, confused.

"Um, what's happening?" I look at them.

"Oh, it's nothing, " Mia waves it off.

"It's not nothing, " Ethan smirks at her. "Mr. Rogers is Riley's teacher. He is...interested in Mia."


"So?! The guy is at least twenty years elder to me! And he wants to sleep with me. He keeps giving me these hints. That creepy smile and stare, you know? The ones guys give girls in clubs? That one!" Mia huffs.

"Oh, " I chuckle but stop when she pins me with a glare.

Then she sighs. "He has a bald spot too. And a pot belly."

And I lose it. I laugh loudly, throwing my head back, eyes crinkling.

"Can you stop it? He's such a lame guy!"

"Mr. Rogers is nice, " Chloe says while chewing on her food.

"No more mentioning Mr. Rogers, Chloe. Is that not simple to understand?"

"Okay, sorry," she shrugs and continues eating.

After I'm sure I can hold in my laughter, I too continue.


Ahh finally an update!

This was kind of a filler chapter but I enjoyed writing this one lol.

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