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"We need to talk."







"Yes, " I reply and then realize what he did. I narrow my eyes at him. "Okay, lemme just go freshen up and then we'll talk."

I take my sweet time brushing my teeth and taking a shower, thinking about what's going to happen. When I come back, he hasn't moved from his position.

"Okay, talk."

"Are we dating now?" he asks, hope in his eyes.

"We almost were dating in New York, remember? You had to spoil it."

"There's a reason, Cassie. You never let me explain. You never answered my calls and then I thought you were done with me. You know, got me out of your system and all. So I stopped trying."

"Okay, what's the reason, Noah? Our last day together, we fought. It was about this long distance thing. And you angrily stomped off and never came back. I thought you needed time to calm down, so I didn't call you. But the next day, when I was leaving, you didn't even come to the airport to say a proper goodbye! I waited, you know? I waited for so long, holding onto this excuse that maybe you're stuck in traffic, but no! You didn't come at all. I thought you were done with me. So I didn't answer your calls."

"Cassie!" he exclaims. "I thought that at the beginning. I was angry at you and in that state, decided that I'll not visit you. But when the morning came, I knew I wanted to, needed to see you one last time.

"But there was a reason I couldn't come. I was ready, with a bunch of flowers, chocolates, and a fuckin' letter expressing my love for you, but I couldn't reach. When I was about to leave, Chloe fell down the stairs and hit her head real bad. She almost broke her head, you know? Didn't you see the stitch on her forehead?

"We had to take her to the hospital and they took time to get her head together. I tried to call you, but couldn't. Something about the network. But I continued trying to call you so many times, until you finally switched off your phone. And I knew, I knew you were done with me."


Why do I act without thinking sometimes? I'm...spontaneous like that.

I chance a glance at him. He's sitting on the edge of the bed, his face contorted in pain, his eyes beseeching. I slowly walk towards him, till I'm at arms' length from his frame.

"I- I don't know what to say. I feel so foolish, Noah! God! I'm sorry?" I look at him.

He smiles, in spite of himself. "Come here," he stretches his arms towards me and I walk right into them, feeling warm and fuzzy when they immediately wrap around me, pulling me to his chest, listening to him let out a sigh of content.

I look at him. "I'm really sorry, Noah."

He kisses my forehead. "It's okay. You didn't know. I don't blame you for assuming the worst. I would have done the same."

I smile at him and bury my face into the crook of his neck, planting a kiss there.

"Soo, are we dating now?" he asks again.

"Damn right we are!" I smile and lean in for a sweet kiss.

"Even after Wednesday?"

"Yeah, why?"

"We leave to Connecticut on Wednesday. Ethan didn't tell you?"

My heart falls. "No, he didn't. Can't you stay longer?"

"No, Cass, I really can't. My grandmother had a heart attack a few weeks ago. She's alright now but we want to spend time with her before know?"

"Oh, I understand. Does that mean Ethan goes with you too?"

"No, she is my dad's mom. Ethan is my cousin from my mom's side. So he'll be staying here itself."

I nod absentmindedly, my mind not able to accept that I'll be able to see him only for a handful of days.

"Hey, " he gently lifts my chin up. "Cheer up! We'll have fun till I stay here and then see where it goes. No, we aren't seeing where it's going. We are doing long distance no matter what. Okay?"

I smile. "Okay."

"I love you, Cass."

I stare at him dumbly for a while. He loves me. He loves me? Damn. I'm lucky.

"Uh, .." I start fumbling with words like an idiot.

He laughs at my state. "It's okay. You don't have to say it back. I just wanted to let you know."

"Okay," I lean in to kiss him some more. My boyfriend. Damn, it feels good to say that.


Ah, they finally talked it out!

I want to really apologize for the late update, I'm really busy with college and the usual stress that comes with it. :/

Will try to update sooner next time. 😁 Thank you for reading!

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