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I don't wanna live forever, 'cause I know I'll be living in vain,

And I don't wanna fit wherever,

I just wanna keep calling your name,

I Don't Wanna Live Forever by Zayn Malik blares out of my earphones as I walk to school on my last fuggin' day of high school. Last day. Hm, that explains the jump in my walk. Well, that and Zayn.

"I just wanna keep calling your name, until you come back home; I just wanna keep calling your name," I sing aloud while pausing to look at my reflection on a car window.

Thick curly brown hair cut into a bob, blue eyes, pert nose, and lips moving animatedly as I sing along with Zayn.

The car window rolls down, to reveal a guy looking at me, a smirk on his face. I blush ten shades of red in a minute.

God! How embarrassing!

"It's Jake. You can call my name now. Would you like my number too?" he asks and winks at me.

I roll my eyes at his pathetic flirting. "No thanks, bye-bye!"

My house is barely a fifteen-minute walk from school, and that's why I walk. It's also nice to watch the neighborhood wake up, open up and continue their lives. I've made a few friends as well, one being the owner of Caffeinated, Lily, a widow, who treats me like her granddaughter.

Like usual, I open the door and walk in, breathing in the familiar scent of coffee and freshly made waffles, letting it bring a smile on my face.

"Lily!" I call out. She comes with a coffee for me, the same every day- the strongest possible. I wrap my arms around her tightly.

"Today's the last day, huh? You grew up so quickly, Cassie!" she smiles warmly at me.

"Yep, wish me luck, Lily. I have a Calculus exam today!"

She scoffs. "We both know you don't need it. You'll ace it like you always do. Now go! Or you'll be late and you won't be able to write the exam, let alone ace it."

I take a sip of the coffee, peck her cheek, compliment the coffee and continue walking.

I make my way through crowds of people studying and clarifying doubts towards a person going through three notes at a time. I shake my head at his ways. Ethan was always like this, good at everything but Calculus. A subject I was extremely good at. No, I'm not boasting, just stating facts.

"Hello there, Ethan!" I chirp.

He jumps, startled and then turns to me with a scowl. "Took your own time, didn't you?"

Ethan was a really good looking guy- dark brown hair, the warmest brown eyes you'll find and a dimple that would make you swoon. But unfortunately, he was gay. When he announced it to everyone at school, I swear I heard so many girls' hearts break.

"Shut up and teach me how to solve this crap, " he hisses.

I look at the question and sigh. I've taught him the exact same question at least five times. Shaking my head, I sit down to teach him again.

               ° ° °

We come out of the examination hall- me with a grin on my face and Ethan with a grimace on his.

"I loved the exam!" I squeal.

"Shut up! It was so hard my brain hurts!" Ethan groans.

I laugh at his expression. "So we are officially done with high school."

At this, he smiles. "Heck yes, we are! But that means we'll be together only for the summer."

Ethan was going to take a year off. Travel, explore the world and his sexuality. 'I think I'm bisexual, ' I remember him telling me. Whatever he was, I considered myself lucky to be his friend.

His personality was similar to a dog's- cute, cuddly, loyal, friendly and super protective about his loved ones. I was definitely going to miss him.

"Don't worry, we'll have fun this summer!" I tell him and wrap my arms around his torso.

He ruffles my hair. I swat his arms away. "When will you stop doing that?"

He laughs. "Never."

               ° ° °

I open the door of my house, step inside, drop my bag to the floor and breathe in deeply, arms stretched to my sides. "This is freedom."

I hear a scoff. "Drama queen, " my Dad shakes his head at me.

"I'm your daughter after all, " I tell him.

"But I think you got that from your mom, " he laughs.

"Got what from me?" Mom comes from the kitchen. She smiles looking at me. "How was your exam, sweetie?"

"Good, " I shrug. "Not for Ethan, though."

"You do remember that we leave to Bali tomorrow, right?" Mom asks.

"We are going to Bali?! Yayy!" I squeal.

They sigh. "Not you, honey. Only us. And Ethan's parents. I told you two days ago, remember?"

I scrunch my face, trying to remember. "You told me you were going out with Ethan's parents. I thought you were going to the movies!"

"Well no, we are going to Bali. You'll be staying in Ethan's house till then."

I whine. "Why can't I come with you?"

"We want privacy."

I make a face at that.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. Ethan. I pick the call. "Dude, did your Mom tell you yet? They are going to Bali. They don't care about us anymore, " I discreetly look at them to see that they're hiding their smiles.

"Yeah, I already knew that. Didn't you?"

"I thought they were going to the movies!" I huff.

He snorts. "Anyways, what time will you be here tomorrow?"

"Um, ten I guess."

"Okay, I'll be waiting."

Dad smiles at me. "Look, honey, we love you. We really do. But we need this vacation too. And you get the chance to stay with your best friend!"

"It's not like I haven't stayed in his house before, but whatever. You better get something for me from there, " I tell them blankly.

They chuckle. "Of course."


And it's here. Fully changed plot! I am so excited about this! So, WHAT DO YOU THINK?! Do let me know! ❤

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