⑥②. "Come Over."

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Type: Fluff

Prompt: Y/bf has a bad dream and hesitantly texts y/n, asking her for some help.

Word Count: 570


The sudden beam of light coming from your bedside table, along with a small vibration, woke you from your light slumber. Yawning, you groggily leaned over to grab the phone, your eyes squinting as you looked at the way too bright screen to see the words,

'Message From Y/bf ❤️'

Confused and somewhat worried, you quickly opened your phone, reading his message.

"Hey, are you still up? Sorry to bother :/."

"Yeah, what's up?" You lied, not wanting to guilt him by telling him his text had woken you.

"Oh, good. I was scared I was gonna wake you up! I just had a bad dream..."

Slightly smiling at his cute honesty and vulnerability, you quickly texted back.

"No, don't worry. I've been up for hours! Aww, I'm sorry, anything I can do?"

"Come over? 🥺"

"Now? It's like 2 AM 😂"

"Well, I just thought having my girlfriend here to talk and cuddle with might help."

"I'll be there in 10."

Laughing to yourself, you got out of bed and walked down to your car, not even bothering to change as it was the middle of the night. Within 10 or so minutes, you pulled up at his house, a figure sitting on his front porch as you arrived. Upon further inspection, you came to the conclusion the figure was y/bf, as he practically ran to hug and kiss you.

"I can't believe you actually came, you're the best girlfriend ever!" He grinned, arms tightly around you with his chin rested upon your head.

"Of course I came, I know my amazing boyfriend would do the same." You winked, earning a soft chuckle from him.

Once he led you into the house and up to his room, y/bf then collapsed onto his bed, back against the mattress when he suddenly grabbed and pulled you on top of him. You couldn't help but laugh at his sweet gesture, allowing him to pull you in closer and hold onto you tighter.

"Thanks so much for coming. What did I do to deserve a girl like you?" He asked, lifting your chin, allowing your eyes to meet.

"I ask myself the same question about you."

Softly smiling, he kissed your lips before pulling you back into his tight grasp. A few moments of peaceful silence went by before you soon became aware of the fact that you didn't even know what had happened in his dream, not that it really mattered.

"What happened in your dream?" You bluntly asked.

"Oh, uh well - you and I got into a fight or something, I can't remember, but all of a sudden you disappeared... And no one could find you or knew where you went," he recalled, discomfort present in his expression.

"Aw, y/bf, that's so sad. Just know I'm not going anywhere," you cooed, running your hand through his hair a few times as he was visibly upset.

"That's why I called... 'Cause I couldn't sleep knowing you weren't right here in my arms," he admitted.

"Aw, y/bf, just know I'll never ever leave you, ever," you reassured.

He softly smiled before kissing your forehead, muttering a tired 'I love you.' How'd you get so lucky? This boy was all yours.

Dunno how to end that aha, hope you liked it!!

Crush/Boyfriend ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt