㉘. 2 AM Cartoons

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Type: Fluff

Prompt: It's nearly 2 AM when y/bf wakes y/n up, wanting her to come watch cartoons and eat cereal with him on the couch.

Word Count: 667                                                                        


"Y/n, wake up," y/bf softly coaxed, his lips tenderly brushing against your cheek as he stirred you from a deep slumber.

Slowly, you peeled open your heavy eyelids, the annoyance at being roused from your cherished sleep evident in your groggy expression.

"Y/bf, what do you want? I was finally asleep," you grumbled, turning away from him to seek refuge in the warmth of your covers.

"I'm sorry, y/n. I just noticed that your favorite childhood cartoon was playing on TV. I thought you might like to join me in watching it. We could even enjoy some of your beloved cereal," he whispered, his voice brimming with enthusiasm.

"Cartoons? What time is it?" you mumbled, struggling to reorient yourself.

"2 am," he confessed, his tone apologetic.

Gathering your strength, you took a moment to rub the drowsiness from your eyes, sighing as you sat up and glanced at your well-meaning boyfriend.

"You're lucky I love you... and cereal," you grumbled playfully.

"Come here," y/bf softly commanded, reaching out to pull you into the warmth of his arms.

With tenderness, y/bf hoisted you into his strong embrace, guiding you from your cozy bedroom to the awaiting couch in the living room. He tucked you beneath a snug blanket before disappearing into the kitchen. After a few minutes filled with clinking bowls and soft footsteps, y/bf returned, bearing two bowls of your favorite cereal.

"Here you are, m'lady," y/bf cooed, handing you a bowl as he settled down beside you.

"Thank you," you replied, your earlier annoyance melting away as you appreciated the gesture.

After a brief search through the TV channels, y/bf found the beloved cartoon he had mentioned. He draped his arm around your shoulders as you nestled against his side. On the screen, your cherished childhood show played, and a genuine smile spread across your face as you munched on your favorite cereal with your favorite person.

"Why the smile?" y/bf teased, detecting the subtle but heartwarming grin adorning your lips.

"I'm just happy when I'm with you," you confessed, leaning even closer into y/bf's comforting presence.

"Gosh, you're cute," y/bf couldn't help but gush, planting a flurry of affectionate kisses all over your face.

Giggling, you tried to push y/bf away, but to your surprise, he only drew you onto his lap, playfully tickling your sides.

"Y/bf, stop!" you implored, your laughter and pleas filling the room as you squirmed in his grasp.

"Nope!" he declared, his grip around your waist tightening.

"Y/bf, please! Stop! I love you!" you cried out, attempting everything to halt his playful assault.

To your relief, he eventually ceased.
"I love you too," y/bf smirked, sealing the declaration with another tender kiss on your cheek before allowing you to regain your spot on the couch. You snuggled back into his side, continuing to watch the TV show.
Soon, a yawn escaped your lips, your eyelids growing heavy as the comfortable couch and y/bf's warmth beckoned you to slumber. You laid your head upon y/bf's shoulder, his own head leaning against yours as both of you settled in for a relaxed night.

"You tired?" y/bf inquired softly.

You nodded, your sleepiness evident.

"C'mere, let's get you back to bed." With a gentle sigh, y/bf carefully stood up from the couch, carrying you in his arms.

Contentedly, you wrapped your arms around his neck, finding comfort in the security of his embrace. He tenderly laid you down in your bed before playfully collapsing on top of you, his head now resting on your chest.

"We should do this more often," he mused.

"I'd like that," you agreed, expressing your desire for more nights filled with cherished moments like this one.

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