Chapter 16

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*** I appologize for taking so long to update, I got stuck on where I wanted to go with this story. But, I am back and hoping to update again soon... Enjoy!!!! ***


Chapter 16

4:30am use to be a myth to me, I knew it existed, but I had never seen it before. Until this morning that is. I was woken up by Mathias kissing me down my neck. I wanted to take it further but I knew why he was waking me up, we were heading to the mountains to fight the Hunters.

After we all dressed and gathered our bags up, we made our way to the airport. I had never flown before and I was very nervous. I sat in the aisle seat, and Mathias took the window.  Heights scare the tar out of me and I didn’t want to see how high up we really were.

Being so confined with all these men in the airplane was difficult. But I had to laugh when I thought about all of us walking through the airport and all the looks that we received from the others there.

My father led the group with my mom on his left arm. To his right was Mathias and I was holding his hand. Even with it being so early in the morning, there were several women trying to catch his eye. One of them is the flight attendant, all I had to do was make the ring on my finger visible and let out a small growl and she backed off. Sure it is not an engagement or wedding ring, but it kept her back just as well.

I fell asleep with my head rested on Mathias’s shoulder and he draped his sweatshirt over me to keep me warm. Before I knew it, he was waking me up with a kiss to the forehead and we were landing.

“Welcome to our neck of the woods Ellis.” Mathias said as I yawned and stretched. I could tell he was happy to be home, but I also knew he was distraught because of why we had to come here.

“I wish that I could’ve come here under different circumstances,” I quickly unbuckled and stood up, waiting for the line of people to dwindle down so I could get out of the confines of this seemingly too small plane.

Mathias placed a hand to the small of my back in an attempt to try and get me to sit down. He succeeded in getting me to sit down, but it was right into his lap. “Well not what I had planned, but this works too.” He smirked while bobbing his eyebrows up and down. I leaned into the grasps of his arms as he nuzzled into my neck.

I slowly opened my eyes when I heard someone clearing their throat. Before us stood my dad with an eyebrow cocked and an agitated look on his face. “Are the two of you going to sit there making out all day? We do have work to do.”

Mathias released me from his grip and I stood up. “Sorry dad, we are getting off the plane now.” I could feel my face turning red as I slid past my dad and grabbed my bag from the overhead compartment and handed Mathias his. I quickly turned and headed down the aisle. I heard Mathias apologize to my dad, so I turned all my attention to what they were saying as I walked ahead of them.

I heard what sounded like someone giving a hard pat on the back and a light chuckle. “You know, I couldn’t have picked a better mate for Ellis, I’m glad it is you and not some irresponsible little snot.” I heard my dad praise to Mathias.

“To be honest with you sir, me too. I really do love her.” Mathias replied back to him.

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to both of them, dropping my bag. I ran back to my dad and Mathias and wrapped my arms around both of them.

“I love you two.” I was not sure where this mood came from, but I felt so happy and overjoyed for some reason. I let them both go and walked over to pick up my bag like nothing had happened.

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