Chapter 2

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***I want to add as much of the book as quickly as possible, hope you all enjoy. Please comment and vote. Thank you, IrishEyez***


“Ellis honey time to get up.” I heard my mom yelling from downstairs.

I do not want to get up, I love going to school, but I love sleep even more.

“Yeah, I’m coming.” I know she probably didn’t hear me, but I heard me, so that counts right?

“Ellis June I swear to god if do not get up right now, there will be no Tai-Kwan-Do or Karate for a week!” She really knew how to make threats.

If I loved sleep and school then my martial arts was a drug to me. I felt like it ran through my veins, almost like it was second nature to me. I was in the top of all my classes and even the big burly instructor Mr. Mike was afraid to take me on. He has even had me take over some of the kid’s classes since their teacher recently broke his arm, well I broke his arm, but in all fairness he should not have tried to sneak up on me.

“I’m up, I’m up.” I was not going to let her take my life’s blood away from me.

I jumped up out of bed and changed into my outfit for the day. A pair of boot cut jeans, tennis and my favorite Pink Floyd t-shirt. Almost all my shirts have a singer or a band on them; I also love music… a lot.

I walked into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and face and put my long wavy red hair into a messy bun.

Running down the hall I ran smack dab into my little sister, well she is not my real sister, I was adopted and my mom met Jackson when I was 9 and after they were married, he also adopted me. I caught her just before she fell.

“Taylor baby, I’m sorry, I should not have been running.” She is six and my favorite person in the whole world. She had curly blond hair and the biggest brown eyes, just like dad.

She smiled up at me, showing her adorable dimples. “It’s okay sissy, where are you going?”

She asked me this every morning, “I’m going to school then I have my martial arts classes right after.”

“Can I pwease go with you today? I promise I’ll be sooo good.” She gave me a puppy dog look and folded her fingers in front her chest. I just cannot say no to her.

“I will talk to mom and dad about you going along with me after school, but if they say no, I cannot do anything about it.”

Taylor wrapped her arms around my waist and gave me a giant hug. I bent down and picked her up, carrying her down the stairs and into the kitchen.

“There are my beautiful girls.” My dad was one of the nicest guys that you could ever meet. He is an ER doctor at the local hospital. He and mom met when I accidentally fell out of a tree and broke my arm.

I kissed his cheek and leaned sideways so Taylor could do the same. Setting down Taylor onto his lap, I walked over and gave my mom a kiss as well.

“Do you have any plans for Tay this afternoon?” I asked them as I poured myself a cup of coffee. I am also a caffeine junky.

Dad put Taylor down and looked at me inquisitively. “Why ever do ask Ellis?” He knew darn well why I asked, I ask all the time to take her with me to my martial arts classes. They always say no, telling me that she is too young. This is bull; I was four when I started them, two years younger than Taylor is now.

 “Please don’t say no, I think that learning some of these skills would be good for her and help with her coordination.” It was the same old argument I threw at them every time.

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