Chapter 15

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*** Sorry I was not able to upload this sooner. Had most of it done the other night and figured that sleeping was a better option as I had to work in 5 hours. Hope you all enjoy this, oh and there is sexual content in this chaper. HEADS UP!! ***


Chapter 15

“Oh man, whatever you are making smells amazing mom.” I chimed out to my mom Sandra who was busing herself with baking and cooking. She always did this when she had a lot on her mind and there must be a lot to think about, because the kitchen was filled with muffins, cupcakes, cakes and casseroles.

I leaned over and gave Taylor a kiss on the cheek as she was sitting at the table coloring. Then I walked up to mom and noticed that her brow was creased. She seemed upset about something. As she was mixing what smelled like blueberry muffin batter, I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her temple.

“What’s eating at you mom?” I asked low enough that Taylor would not hear me.

She didn’t stop mixing or look up at me. “What makes you think that something is wrong dear? I’m fine, it’s not like my daughter and her mate went back on their word and completed their mating or anything.” I had never heard her talk like this before, she must be really mad at me and Mathias.

“If you want to be mad at us fine, but we are not going to be ashamed of what we did. I love him mom and nothing, not even you getting huffy at us is going to change that.” She stopped what she was doing and looked at me with sadness.

“You think I’m mad? No baby, I’m just concerned, you are only 18 and you have your entire life ahead of you. Didn’t you want to travel, see the world or go to school? Do something before you settle down?” She seemed so determined that I kind of felt bad for her.

“Mom, I’m the daughter of an Alpha, my mate is the Beta, there is nothing more that I want besides helping Mathias become the great Alpha that I know he will be one day. Yeah, I’m new to all of this but I know in my heart that this is right.”

The she said something I didn’t expect, she grabbed me and pulled me into a massive hug. “That is all I needed to hear darling. Now, can you help me out, I want to take some of this up to the guest house.”

I stood there in shock for a moment and then helped her pack up the goodies and head out. As we got closer to the guest house, I could feel Mathias’s pull. A shudder went through me and Sandra noticed.

“What was that?”

My face went red. “Mathias”

She seemed confused at my simple statement.

“Being close to him right now does things to me, some that really can’t control.” I could feel my heat course through my blood and felt the urge to run the rest of the way and have my way with my mate. I had to pull myself together if I was going to be around others.

When we got to the house, we didn’t even knock. Walking in, I could tell that something was wrong. Both my father, Alpha Marcus, my mother Rose and Mathias were at the table having a very in-depth conversation.

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