Goddess.of.Patton.Sanders - Instagram Prompt

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{There's a lot of swearing in this one kids, and some blood/wounds... zombie apocalypse AU WHEEE!}

Logan followed the scavengers as quickly as he could, hugging his small bag to his chest. The group was approaching a camp with heavy wooden spikes set in a palisade around it.

The leader, a man named Roman, cupped his hands to his mouth as they got close. "Speak easy, we're friends here!"

"Then enter and rest!" A voice responded from the other side of the defenses. Logan raised his eyebrows as a couple of people darted forward to move a section of the wall.

Roman turned to look at his group as they flooded into the camp, scanning faces. He and Logan locked eyes and he beckoned.

"How many?" Logan asked once he'd joined the scavenger. Roman began to walk into the camp and he kept pace with him.

"Twenty-two. Mostly men, unfortunately, we lost a lot of women in the first week." Roman seemed to be looking for someone. "We've got what we've got and we have to make due with it until we can find a way to fix things... Patton!"

He waved a hand and caught the attention of another survivor, who was standing on a small platform and scribbling away at a small piece of paper.

"Roman!" The man jumped down and walked over to them. "What'd we get?"

"Three weeks worth of supplies, a skirmish with that group on the other side of town," Roman glanced at Logan, "and a live one."

Patton's head snapped around and he stared at Logan. "A loner?"

"Seemed like it." Roman shrugged.

"I can answer for myself." Logan crossed his arms. "I was by myself. Traveling from town to town, finding what shelter I could."

Patton nodded slowly and offered a hand. "I'm Patton."


Someone called Roman's name and he turned away, but Patton grabbed the back of his shirt.

"Ro, you're bleeding. What happened?"

Roman twisted, lifting an arm to look down at his side. A red patch was slowly spreading across the side of his shirt.

"Oh! I got shot."

Patton gasped and the other man quickly spun around, waving his hands. "It's okay, it just grazed me. Didn't do anything."

"But you're bleeding!"

"It's just a scratch, I'll be fine!" Roman waved him off quickly. Patton fixed him with a stern look.

"Go get it cleaned up."

The scavenger groaned, portraying a very childish image as he pouted at Patton. "C'mon, Pat, you know he hates me."

Patton smiled a little. "To be fair, I think he hates everyone."

"Last time I went in there with an injury he threatened to eviscerate me and use whatever sinews he could find as stitching." Roman retorted.

The blond man, who Logan was beginning to think might be the real leader of the group as several people glanced at him when they were done unloading their supplies, sighed.

"He's all talk, Roman."

"He is not!" Roman hissed. "Remember Remy?"

Patton shook his head. "That was an accident. But... well, he's mostly talk. Did you find any medical supplies?"

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