"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"I hate YOU," Yoojung cried and stomped her way out, making that loud cackling noise again with her mid-heeled pumps stepping against the cold marble floor.

Rosie needed a moment to comprehend everything that just happened. She was too speechless that she didn't bother to catch up with Yoojung who already ran upstairs. Her mind was actually occupied thinking about the bit of story she just read. She was correct. Something was going on in the family. Yoojung didn't have a good relationship with her own dad, and seemingly Chanyeol and Sooyoung weren't in good terms either. It wasn't like what Kyungsoo tried to tell Rosie; that they were a happy little family, until an unwanted guest called death came knocking to their door.

Rosie immediately went upstairs to confront Yoojung the moment she came to her senses. She tried knocking on the little girl's door several times, but no answer was heard.

"Yoojung please, I'm sorry...  I didn't mean it," Rosie pleaded.

The concern that Rosie had at that time wasn't about losing her job for making the boss' daughter upset. No, she was more concerned of genuinely offending Yoojung and that the bad mental image that the young girl had in her mind turned out to be true. She didn't read the journal on purpose, she could swear on that. She thought the little black book was some kind of journal where Yoojung take notes during the tutoring session. If she knew that it was Yoojung's personal diary, she wouldn't dare to read it—not even lay a finger on it.

"You made her lock herself in her own room already?", a familiar gruff voice greeted and almost made Rosie jump from her position. Chanyeol was seen standing not far away behind Rosie.

"It- it happened before?"

"With the previous tutors, yes."

"Wait! We need to talk about Yoojung's progress," Rosie called, stopping Chanyeol who was already walking away. "And my salary. And other things too."

Chanyeol turned around and sighed. "Of course. But I don't have that much time. Follow me."

They went to another study in the mansion. It was located on the west side of the second floor, where there was a huge window at the end of the hall facing the backyard. The warm sunlight seemed to be coming in more at this side of the house. The hall seemed more lively with all the light; but everything was still fearsomely clean and vacant. There were at least four rooms on the west hall, with two doors were placed across the other two. Chanyeol stopped at one of the door on the right side of the hall from where they came. 

"After you," he said after opening the door widely.

Rosie stepped inside the study carefully. Everything inside seemed quite stark. There wasn't really many color found, just like the rest of the mansion. Despite the dullness, everything managed to look elegant. If it wasn't because of Rosie's preference, the room would genuinely look interesting.

"Please have a seat," Chanyeol waved at the chair in front a desk that seemed a little messy from afar off. 

There was a pile of documents arranged unevenly on the polished desk. A glass ashtray that was half full with cigarette butts was seen near the papers. Rosie concluded that the man in front of her was a smoker and probably the heavy one. She thought his low and raspy voice was natural, but apparently the smoking had something to do with it. When she sat down, a strong scent of cigarette's smoke abruptly lingered around her nose. Chanyeol must've had just finished smoking not long ago.

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