Chapter 16: The Wrath Of A Mother

Start from the beginning

I laughed low and taunting, "Let us leave with the knife and I will not kill him." I said watching her.

She gave me a long stare and looked to her son, "I'll give your freedom but the knife stays with me." She spat.

I went to hurt him but Thomas took my arm, "Jolene, that's enough. Come on, we can go and try and patch things with Chief Dariko. Maybe he'll understand." He said before softly whispering "We'll come back with an army."


Freedom first.

I gave a nod and they walked us out the cage, out the forest and once I passed the threshold, I released the boy and watched him run to his mother.

Bronx, Dimitri, Thomas and I ran out of there and quick.

I'll be back.

I promise you that.

First, to make sure Dariko realizes we aren't dead, and we will bargain for Anne.

My Anne.

I need to get to her, "Thomas come on, we need to catch the fastest flight back to her. I have to see her, I have to make sure she's okay." I said feeling my heart race.

Old memories came flooding back, slamming into my mind hard and cold.

"Kilana! Where's my sister?!" I shouted frantically shoving through the crowds as they too looked on horrified of what was to come.

Kilana, where are you?

Shutting my eyes, I closed my eyes and listened, tuning into her voice. 

Her face forming in my mind before I heard her calling to me, "Jo!"

Pushing off the ground, I ran slamming my body into everyone to shove them aside.

They toppled over under my force.

There's a reason I'm headmistress, the secrets I know of this place, of the people, of myself.

I caught eyes on Kilana, her hand pressed against the tree as she bent over holding her belly and letting out a cry.

She's having the baby.

Oh god, "Not now Kilana!" I frantically ran to her and put her arm over my shoulder hurrying her away from the grounds.

"What are you doing out here? Are you insane?!" I asked her horrified.

Her eyes moved up to me and she slumped softly, "Jo, I wanted to see him. I had to see him just once more." She said groaning in the pain.

Lucious you bastard! "He's not worth it Kilana! You know he's not." I said pulling her up and taking most of her weight.

She cried, "But he is, Jolene, I love him so much. I love him despite all of this, I do." She said before letting out another cry as she was ready to give birth.

If Thomas knew she still loved that bastard, he'd be a mess.

It was his stupidity, his own lack of understanding that Kilana could never love a man more than she loved Lucious.

He should've known.

"Jolene." Thomas's voice was soft, caring.

She was an amazing sister, but she wasn't an amazing wife.

Thomas always deserved better.

I leaned into his chest, the world spinning after that flashback.

He wrapped his arms around me and sighed, "We'll save her Jo, you know we will. There's nothing you and I can't accomplish together." He said before kissing the top of my head.

Shutting my eyes, I nodded and felt as though Anne was my own child. I've spent all these years watching over her, making arrangements for her, making sure she never got into trouble, paid her traffic tickets off. I've been watching her for years. I've seen every kiss, every heart break, every mistake and every accomplishment. I've laughed, cried and hurt with her.

Spells are easy, but they weren't always. She was the reason I even began, because I knew I wanted nothing more than to be there for every part of her life. In a more distant way.

I ran my hand over Thomas's and pulled back, "We cant waste any more time. Let's hurry." I said turning and heading with them to the nearest airport.

I lost Kilana, I will not lose Annalise too.

Don't worry my dear, I won't let a single hair of yours be harmed. If they do so, I will bring not the wrath of a hundred or a thousand angry mothers, but the wrath every heartbroken and angry mother, even those who never had the chance to mother. The werewolves will cease to ever exist in this world again.

I, Jolene Rosewood Crinamorte, will extinguish the werewolf line single handedly.

Because you are my daughter, my pride, my heart.

I'm coming for you Anne, I'm coming.

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