‡10‡ Of Conquest and Reunions

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"Get dressed."

Tino jumped in Surprise at the alpha's rarely heard voice.

"Wer leavin' soon," The alpha continued.

Tino nodded in uncertainty before watching in slight awe as the alpha easily hefted the wooden tub filled with now cold water out of the tent.

He watched the tent flaps silently for a few moments before turning to examine the large bundle in his hands. He unfolded the fabric to see that it was a new set of clothes and a fur cloak.

The tunic was deep blue with white trim, and the leggings were black. A quick glance around the now almost empty tent showed Tino a pair of thick fur lined boots that were far too small to be Berwald's, and he grabbed those too before trying to get dressed as quickly as possible before said blonde alpha returned.

God, but it felt good to be fully clothed for the first time in six days. Nevermind the fact that the fabric and make of these clothes were so fine that they were incomparable to his dearly departed outfit from before at the village.

He just had to take a moment to take in the not-nudeness of it all. He never realized how freaking great clothes were until he was kept butt naked for almost a week.

With that done, Tino sat gingerly at the edge of the bedding, now painfully aware of how it smelled of sweat and sex, but determined to stay in a defensible position. An ounce of prevention and all that.

Movement at the tent flaps made him snap his gaze in that direction as Berwald ducked back into the tent with damp hair and a cloth slung over his shoulder that he was still using to rub the moisture from his feathery blonde hair.

He was completely shirtless. Tino cast his gaze away from the half-naked alpha with heated cheeks, despite the fact that he'd seen far more of Berwald than just his naked torso. He himself could barely stand the cold air after stepping out of the bath inside the tent! 'Did this man just bathe outside? Is he not afraid of catching his death of cold out there?!'

Tino looked back to see the alpha sitting in the only chair in the tent and slowly, steadily drawing the edge of a small but wicked-sharp blade across the fine blonde stubble on his jaw.

"..." Tino looked down at the hands fidgeting in his lap as the awkward (at least for him) silence that hung in the air, interrupted only by the rasp of the blade across Berwald's jaw.

The buttons down the front of his clothes were suddenly fascinating, and he examined them to distract himself from his anxiety of whatever was to come when he left this tent.

With some surprise, he noted how the buttons on these clothes were different from the ones he'd seen back in the village. Buttons were already expensive there, and even then, those were wooden. Lacing was much more common among the villagers than buttons.

These buttons seemed to be made of ivory, and each one had an intricate design featuring a cross on its shiny surface. Yeah, these clothes were definitely expensive.

He glanced back at Berwald to see him fastening his armor once again. He secured the metal and leather snugly before pulling on a blue surcoat a shade or two lighter than Tino's own tunic with a yellow design along the edges.

Berwald fastened his sword at his hip and drew his own fur cloak around his broad shoulders before turning his frost-blue gaze to the fidgeting Tino. He strode over to Tino and held a hand out to the nervous Fin.

Tino hesitated a moment before slowly taking it and allowing the alpha to pull him to his feet. He was nervous about whatever would happen from here on out, but he was also anxious to see Lukas and Emil, so he allowed Berwald to fuss with his cloak with a little embarrassment before the alpha put a large hand on the small of his back and lead him outside the tent for the first time since he was carried inside it over said alpha's shoulder.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 16, 2019 ⏰

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